Mackenzie Arnold pt1.

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Mackenzie Arnold
(What happens when you get followed at a service station and someone saves you)

You were on your way to London after being up north for a week. As you were driving back, your stomach started to growl. You missed breakfast, it was bad habit but it was hard to remember to eat breakfast. It was another hour ish till the services, that's not too long so you decided to stop there.

After the hour the turning came up. The car ride was quite boring to be honest. Nothing exciting, it's just you driving so obviously the tunes were immaculate. The service station was quite boring in all fairness no McDonald's or anything but trying to be healthy so it's okay. I parked up but there wasn't many cars here. To be fair it was late in the day so many people weren't around. You felt slightly uneasy but you shrug it off. Walking towards the service you felt like someone was watching you. You gripped your keys tighter, just keep walking, head up high. You walked though the doors, spotting a small shop that has some normal things like, sandwiches, drinks, crisps and different normal thing. You headed towards this shop. You heard footsteps but too afraid to turn. "Hey Babe, I was looking for you." A Australian voice said.  You turned to see a tall brunette, who had a worried look, she flicked her eyes to the side, you turned your head. A man who looks in his mid 40s stood there staring. "Hi baby, I wanted to grab food." You smiled kissing her cheek. This action seemed to move the man on. "I am so sorry for kissing you on the cheek and thank you for helping me. I'm Y/n." You suddenly noticed how beautiful this woman is. She had her light brown hair in a messy bun. Her light blue eyes are astonishing. She was very tall as well and the cutest smile. You felt your face get hot. "Mackenzie, and it's all okay I'm glad I could help." She held out a hand. You shook her hand. "Please let me get you something for helping me Mackenzie." You offered her face light up at the offer. "Well, um you don't have to but if it means I get to spend more time with you." God was this woman sent from heaven. Blush fell across your face. "Well I stopped her to get some food so do you want anything?" You asked as you grabbed a sandwich and a drink. "No I'm okay I'm on my way to a football game so I'm okay thank you." She said with calm. Was she going to watch football?  You went to go pay for everything. "Hey Mackenzie do you mind walking me to my car?" You asked sheepishly, still afraid of what happened. "Yeah of course I can, I'm happy to help." She said with a bright smile. God she made you giddy. "Thank you." You nodded to her. You guys headed back to the car park. Mackenzie was really easy to talk to, she made you smile and laugh so much. "Hey this is my car thank you Mackenzie." She made your heart happy. "Oh no it's okay and this is actually my car you're next to so I guess it was meant to be." She smiled when talking to you. She suddenly looked nervous this automatically made you nervous. "Hey y/n could I get your number by any chance?"  Your knees went weak at the offer. "Yeah of course I'll put it in your phone." This made you so giddy and butterflies in your stomach. Mackenzie handed you her phone and you put your number in her phone. "'Service station girl ❤️'". She laughed "Thank you Y/n, I'll text you." She winked at you and oh my god you felt yourself die on the spot. You said goodbye and got in your car. You screamed and punched the air, this was honestly the best thing ever. You looked over at her car and she saw you did this and laughed to herself. God you were so embarrassed now. You started your car and pulled away. You got to the exit when your phone rang. Mackenzie?

You answered the phone,
"Hey it's Mackenzie."
"You okay?"
"Yeah, we'll actually no my car won't start and I've called the tow truck service but I have a football game I need to get too. Could you take me, you mentioned you were going to London and I will repay you with ticket to the game and dinner?"
"Yeah of course I have no where to be so I'll come back."
"Thank you so much this means so much."
you ended to call.  You swung back round and pulled back into where you were. You opened the door to get out where Mackenzie is stood. "Hey Mackenzie." You said to bring her out of thought. "Hey, you can just call me Macca, I'm really sorry about this the tow truck guy said he'd be a hour." She looked sad playing with her hands. "Hey no it's okay, you can come sit in my car where it's warm and it's getting dark." She nodded in agreement, grabbing the stuff she needed from the car and you both got in.

"So, Macca tell me about you?" This was the start. You two talked like this the whole hour till the guy got there to take the car. he was taking it back to a garage near hers to get fixed. "So where am I heading?" You asked "Oh just to Chigwell stadium." She smiled. "Okay." You put it into your satnav and headed off. "You never told me what your job was?" You questioned her. This was near enough half way though the journey. "You never told me yours." She said back in a jokey way. "Okay, well I'm a business owner I own my own tattoo shop." You stated proud of yourself this was an achievement you were proud of. "Oh shit really, damn that's cool puts my job to shame." She said. You knew you had a cool job but you would never put anyone down about it. "No I bet that's not true, so tell me." You said but you never anticipated what she would say next. "Well, I actually play for WestHam women's football, as their keeper oh and I play for Australia." She said this so dead pan. "Are you joking, you play professional women's football, okay my attraction to you just went up by 100." You just realised what you said. Why the fuck did you say that. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say that." You stopped at the red light god that made it worst. She grabbed your face and kissed you.
"Shit." You pulled away the light had gone green. You couldn't stop smiling. Wow did this goddess of a woman just kiss me. "I- I hope that was okay?" She stuttered out. "Are you joking, that was amazing." You said still giddy. The car ride carried on being one giddy ride. She would occasionally kiss you. You laughed, joked and sung the whole way.
You pulled in closer to the stadium. "Sooo where do I go?" You questioned not really knowing. "So if you pull into where the gate is I'll talk into the mic, do you mind picking me up too?" You honestly didn't know you could have a crush on someone this quickly. "No yeah of course, I can just wait in the car for you." Said pulling into where the gate stood. "No I'll get you a ticket and you can watch and I promise I will take you out to dinner." She smiled give u a small kiss. She got out and pressed a button and spoke into it. As she got back in and the gates started to open.

You pulled in a parked next to some cars. "Well this is me, let me run in quick and grab you a ticket." Giving you a kiss as she got out. Got she made you giddy, how the fuck did you only just meet her 5 hours ago. You sat there on your phone, glued to it lost in TikTok. You got a suggestion for a following from your contacts. 'Mackenziearnold94' you clicked on it and oh my god it was her. Wow she is fit. Suddenly there was a knock on the window. "Shit." It scared the crap out of you. It was Macca. You opened the door and got out. "Here is your ticket, as promised and after the game I'll meet you here." She smiled at you and this smile has you in a chokehold. "Thank you Macca.

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