Mackenzie Arnold pt.4

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Mackenzie Arnold pt4

(You finally get to see Mackenzie play for the Tilly's, will this make you realise your feelings for her?)

"What the fuck." You muttered, you some how felt hungover despite having no alcohol. You reached for your phone having a look. It was currently 10am. You have had a good few hours but you didn't account for your stupid headaches. You also had a message from Macca asking how you are and sad she can't see you, you couldn't help but laugh, you played along that you couldn't see her and sad about it but in fact it was time to get ready to go see her. You blinked one more time hard, trying to get rid of the headache. Taking a deep breath you got up out of the bed and sleepily stumbled into the bathroom, turning on the shower. Showers, in your eyes fix everything. Letting the water hit your body just turning it a slight tinge of red from the heat but that's the best temperature. Washing your body and hair, it was time to do your shower skin care. This consists of a face wash to help deep black heads and then just one to clean your face. You turn the shower off, wrapping up in the nice soft hotel towels. Grabbing your toothbrush and tooth paste you brushed your teeth in the mirror, performing at the same time to your music, this consisted of having muffled sounds come out of you and bad dancing. Then finishing your skin care and taking all of your tablets. Now it was time to pick out the outfit, you settled on these oversized jean shorts and a goalie jersey Macca had given to you, since at the time you couldn't buy goalie shirts, you also put on Nike socks and your white air force 1s. The light purples worked so well with the white in the socks and shoes. You put up your hair and did light makeup as you were already sweating in the Australian heat, to finish the look you put all of your earrings, necklaces and rings on. Taking a look at your phone that was now on charge said 11:30am the match was at  3:30pm, so you had plenty of time to go grab something to eat before getting to the Marvel stadium, where they would be playing. You grabbed your tote bag that had just some sun cream in, phone charger, portable charger and your sunglasses. One last check you had everything including the hotel key card, you headed downstairs to the lobby. You sat in the lobby as you had texted Alanna if they had gone on a team walk yet and if so where they were going. You sat in the lobby for a few minutes before you had gotten an answer, apparently they were on the way to the stadium and would have pre match walk there, which was good as the stadium is about an hour from your hotel, so you set off to find a cafe. Instantly you grabbed your sunglasses, it was blinding outside. You walked around aimlessly trying to find a coffee shop to grab a drink and some food. Finally you found this cute slightly empty coffee shop.  You still had a few hours to kill and your stomach was rumbling so along with your coffee, you ordered breakfast and that happens to be Avocado on toast. 

After eating it was now time to head to the game. Now you had to work out how the fuck to get there. So you googled mapped from the cafe to the Marvel stadium and apparently it was a short train ride and then a small walk. So you set off, getting to the train station. Which went smoothly, you heart started to light up when you saw people wearing the Matilda's football shirts.

Soon you were at the stadium. You took pictures but knew you couldn't post them incase Macca would see and you want this to be a surprise. Excitement over took you as you walked through the gates into the stadium, turns out Alanna and Caitlin had go you a seat at the bottom in the frount right by the pitch. As you got to your seat the girls hadn't gotten out yet so you sat taking in the atmosphere. Around 15 minutes later, they came out for the warm up. You had met some of the Aussie girls before so they knew who you were. Of course Alanna, Macca and Caitlin came out together, but they did have Steph trailing behind. Alanna saw you first and gave you a big smile, she then turned to Mac who spun round so quickly. Her face lit up, having a huge smile and then came running to you, standing up and coming to the barricade. Your heart started beating so fast you have never felt like this for some before. Both of you didn't say anything just hugged each other it had felt so long since you had seen each other, "How are you here, Why are you here, I'm so happy oh my god." Mackenzie blurted out, you couldn't help but just hold her face in your hands, forgetting about everyone else. "Alanna and Cait got me tickets and I booked the rest, god I have missed you." You said just getting lost in her eyes. Soon Alanna, Caitlin and Steph showed up behind Macca, you all said hello and gave hugs. "Oooh so this is the girl you have been going on about for the last week." Steph said giving you a hug, "Yeah, sorry this is Y/n." She said not even looking at Steph her eyes never lost you. "Baby you have to go warm up I'll see you after the game, go win it." You told her giving a her a kiss on the cheek, so they did they all went to warm up.

"YESSS!" You shouted as the final whistle went they had won and Mackenzie had an amazing game, she pulled off such amazing saves, you swear you fell more in love. The team went round the pitch but Mackenzie came over to you. She pulled you in too a sweaty hug when made you laugh. "Come on baby step over onto the pitch with me." She said low enough for just me and her to hear. She held out her hand and helped you over. As you got to the over side of the pitch she instantly picked you up, wrapping your legs around her waist and your arms around her neck. "I can't believe your here love, I'm so happy I have missed you so bad and your in my jersey." She said this into your neck just so you could hear, this was so surreal. "I know love, it's been so lonely without you and you won and I'm so proud of you." You told her not able to stop smiling at her. "I love you." You told her, this was the first time you had told her, she looked at you with such love and affection, "I love you too." You couldn't stop smiling. "Why don't you come and meet the team, then come back to my hotel." She asked you and of course you agreed. Putting you down, she grabbed your hand as you walked back, "Oh I still have my stuff at the hotel I need to get." You told  her. "That's okay we will go grab it and go back." She said giving you a kiss on the head. So that's what you did, you met the Matilda's then spent the night with Mackenzie and for the first time in 5 days you slept well.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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