Aggie Beever-Jones

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I am so sorry for not updating life has been a lot, hope you are all had a good new year. This was a request, which they take a little longer as I do my best to put research into all of the requests I do to make them perfect for you all so I hope you enjoy. 

Aggie Beever-Jones

Today you and Aggie have a Nike photo shoot. You might have maybe a tiny little crush on Aggie, but being on separate teams you rarely get to see her, so it's something you will never pursue. Right it's time to get ready. You jumped out of bed, putting on your slippers, heading to the shower. You turned the shower on, the steam starting to rise. Slipping off both slippers and pjs off, getting into the shower. The hot beads of water landed on your soft skin, you let out a content sigh. You washed up and got out. You grabbed a towel wrapping yourself in a fluffy white towel. Stepping into your slippers, and brushing your teeth. Today was an important day, you would be doing a photoshoot for Nike.
Right what the fuck do you wear to a photoshoot. Okay, what to wear. You should probably wear Nike, yes they will put you in clothes but also you need to look good, especially Aggie being there. You decided on, a Nike sports bra, Nike boxers and Nike socks. You wore cropped baggy band T-shirt, black baggy jeans and for shoes you decided on Nike pandas. You put your rings and necklaces on. Right you still have time for breakfast. You made your way of your room, into the kitchen. Your apartment was all on one floor but it was pretty big. You had some over night oats ready. You ate that whilst scrolling on TikTok, it was currently 10 am and you didn't have to be at the photo shoot till 12, so you just chilled.

You parked your car, heading into the building. "Hello how can I help you?" The reception asked. "Hi I'm Y/n Y/l/n, I'm here for the Nike shoot." You told the women, as you did the door opened, suddenly Aggie was by your side, her hand touched your back as she greeted you, "Hi yeah and I'm also here for it, Aggie Beever-Jones." She said in the voice that can melt butter. The woman signed you in and pointed you in the direction you needed to go. As you walked down the halls, you made small talk with the English. You had a few camps with her but most of the time you saw her playing against Chelsea and Everton on loan before that. When talking with her you couldn't help but get lost in her icy eyes. As you sat together getting your makeup done you guys had started talking, "You ready to be thrashed by Arsenal?" You joked with her. "In your dreams cutie, you don't stand a chance against the blues." She told you looking into your eyes and laughing. Blush painted across your face at the name. You rolled your eyes at the comment, "Yeah sure, I bet you anything we will win." You had a smug look on your face, you knew that all the girls had been working so hard to prep for this game. After slightly flirting more it was time for the photo shoot. They had you in black Nike cargos with the solo swoosh 1/4 zip. They also had you posing with a white Nike football at first you were watching Aggie. She was perfect the way her blonde hair stands dropped from her ponytail framing her face beautifully, she also just had a graceful air about her. After that it was your turn. You felt you were everything she wasn't. After awkwardly posing with a ball it was time for photos together. "Hey so yeah if you and Aggie could sort of just play the ball together that would be great!" The director called out, throwing the white ball at you. Ah okay Y/n just don't injure her for love of God. You nodded awkwardly then volleyed the ball to her, she did a few keepey ups then passing again to you. You just burst out laughing, hysterically. Then the blush crept across your face, but luckily you have makeup that made it less noticeable.  Some how this also made Aggie laugh. She is so perfect when she laughs, her teeth full to see and her head thrown back slightly. She couldn't get more perfect. Before wrapping up you headed the between you both, this made you both laugh harder, as you became competitive trying to keep the ball in the air even if you were on your knees. "THATS A WRAP!" The man called out. You walked over thanking the man, for the photoshoot. As you walked through thanking everyone, as you always do when doing things like this, you then headed to the dressing room, suddenly feeling hand on your lower back, turning to see Aggie. "Hey Y/n, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go get coffee?" She gave you a smile. I mean how can you turn this down. "Er yeah of course I would love too." You smiled. The pair of you walked down to the dressing room, making small talk. After having makeup removed and wearing your own clothes once again. Both you and Aggie headed out of the building to walk towards a coffee shop she knows.

She ordered an iced-coffee and you did too, as she went to pay you places you phone on top of the reader, paying. "And they say Chivalry is dead." She said giving you a smug smile. Your coffees were called out, grabbing them you both sat at a small table for two. You talked for hours about everything, both being from the England you surprisingly had been to the same places a lot. You both talked about trips to the Island of Wight and various other places.  You very much had the same out look on life. Family, travelling and of course football, though she wore blue and you wore Red, at this moment it didn't matter. You looked at your watch, "Shit we have been here for 3 hours, I'm so sorry I have to get home to my dog he's been alone all day." You said hastily getting up. "Wait sorry that came out like I was making an excuse, I would really love to talk to you all day because I love talking to you but my dog he's..." you were cut off by a hand on yours, "It's okay I get it and maybe I can come meet you and him on a walk one day." She said her voice like honey. "Yeah I could actually really like that, umm let me give you my number." You are as red as a tomato at this point but god she made you weak at the knees. Passing you her phone you put your number in saving your name as  "The woman in Red ❤️". She smiled at the name, "Well Woman in red, I will see you when London is painted Blue." She gave you a wink, "You wish Jones, London will always be Red." Shooting a wink back with a wave, you left. You felt like you were on cloud 9, this has been the best photoshoot ever.

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