Lucy Bronze

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(Authors notes; this is my first story. Also Spanish is still a language I am leaning. I have also tried to make this as inclusive as possible.
There is swearing.)

A Lucy Bronze Story
(Lucy has spent lots of time in Spain picking up the language, she thinks she is the only one that speaks it in the lioness camp until y/n shouts at in Spanish in training, how will this end? Bitter rivalry, or will it have a steamy end)

You had been playing for the Arsenal women's team for a few years now but this was your first time playing for England. You had been in the camp for a few days just using the gym and things, you were roomed with Lucy but the only time you saw each other in the room was just before going to bed even then you were always in late as you spent most of your time in the gym, you had something built up about being at the camp. Not just nerves but excitement too.

-buzz- -buzz- -buzz-

Ugh. You and Lucy had agreed to set an alarm that would wake you both up as it was the first day of training. You heard a groan from the bed next to you. You groggily opened your eyes, you didn't really sleep last night. You looked over to see a sight that would fluster any woman this early in the morning. A sunkissed, toned goddess of a woman. She only had a tank top on. God you must of gone bright red. "Good morning Sunshine." A very deep morning voice said. God this is gonna be a long camp. "Good morning." You said lazily. You were filled with anxiety today the first training and you're the 'new kid'. You sprang out of bed cause you needed a shower to feel normal. You only had boxers and an old T-shirt which is quite short and small now but god it's so comfy, this also was the only thing you could find coming in at 1 in the morning because you couldn't sleep. You suddenly felt eyes burning into the back of you as you bent over the bed to grab your glasses because you have woken up with a bad headache. Was Lucy checking me out? You thought ahahha don't be stupid she's an absolute goddess and you do not stand a chance. You ignored the thought in your head and grabbed your underwear and shorts to leave the bathroom in after your shower.  As you showered thoughts rushed your mind not that you were gonna have a panic attack but some sort of rage tightness, not 100% sure what it is. After your cold shower you got changed but you still needed to do your skin care and take your tablets, when you heard a loud knock at the door. You opened it to see Lucy leaning against the doorframe "Hey you gonna be..." she stoped looking you up in down in your training shorts and white Nike sports bra. Her eyes traveled up and down your body.  "I-I'm sorry I'll do my skincare on my bed." You stuttered being flustered under her gaze. You turned clumsily grabbing everything you needed. "No need to rush sweetheart, I don't take long." She laughed out noticing how flustered you are, you just nodded your head, she moved her arm so you could get passed. Oh god why are you like this 1. She's your team mate 2. She's fucking Lucy Bronze you don't have a chance. You decided to do your skin care quickly and take your tablets to avoid another embarrassing interaction with your room mate. You headed down to the cafeteria to grab breakfast. You decided on the overnight oats they did and took it outside to eat it alone and gather your thoughts. You didn't notice but a little down from you was Leah eating something too. You didn't notice but she was making her way over to you. She sat next to you, "You okay y/l/n?" Deep in thought you just hummed and nodded, still staring off onto the training pitch. "Hey look at me, you will be okay, we have all seen how you play and you are bloody brilliant, you have nothing to be worried about. Okay?" She placed her hand on your back. You looked at her and took a breathe in exhaling slowly. "I know just want to make a good impression." You said looking at your Captin. "Well from what I have seen of you in the gym constantly, you are more than making a good impression." She smiled and laughed. She instantly made you feel better, "Thanks Leah, means a lot." You smiled up at her as she's now stood above you, "Com'on then let's go get warmed up." You nodded grabbing her hand pulling you up slightly.  You warmed up with Leah, you two were quite playful with each other, joking about and everything. Soon the training session was on its way.

It was standard training team work then attackers vs defenders. You of course were an attacker as you played up front. It was going smoothly, it was equally challenged. You had sworn a few times under your breath "Oh, por el amor de Dios" (oh for fuck sake.) but little did the team know you know Spanish having lived over there for a good time as a kid/teen. As it was dragging to the end you were getting more frustrated, especially with your room mate. Her stupid little celebration, of her perfectly toned hands and her hot tongue sticking out mocking you. Next thing you know that same room mate has just slide tackled you putting you on the ground. You sprang back up getting in her face "¿Qué carajo crees que estás haciendo? Eh Cabrona!" (What the fuck do you think you are doing? Dumbass) Leah came running over so did Stanway, Nobbs and Toone, splitting the two of you. Lucy stood there with a shocked face "wow que me acabas de decir" (what did you just say to me) she spat out at you. You two were quickly split Leah pushing you towards the camp and Nobbs taking Lucy away in the direction of the changing rooms. You were silently cursing yourself this is what you were scared of your god damn temper. You pushed away from Leah and headed to your room you needed to have a shower like now. You stormed off to your room, having a shower always calmed you down no matter what, If it was to cry, be angry a break anything you needed you did in the shower. You unlocked your door shutting in as soon as you walked in. You immediately walked into the bathroom, stripped off and got into the shower. You sat on the floor having the hot powerful drops of water, shatter on your back. You closed your eyes, letting the water hit. You accidentally fell asleep. You awoke to the door banging. You scrambled to your feet turning the water off. You grabbed a towel wrapping yourself in it. You checked your phone, shit it's been 2 hours. You open the door. A very angry Lucy was stood there. Oh no. "What the fuck was that!" She spat at you, you had almost forgotten what had led you to have the shower. "You slide tackled me!" You spat back at the older woman. "You embarrassed me in Spanish!" How the fuck did i embarrass her? I was the one that went over on the floor. "Todo lo que" (whatever) you said pushing past her. Next thing Lucy had grabbed your hips pushing you against the wall. "Eres muy atractiva cuando estas enojada." (You are very attractive when you're angry) she husked inches from your face. You went bright red, oh god she's so hot. "Especially in Spanish mí amor." (My love) Wow okay you didn't expect any of this, instinct and adrenaline filled your body. You smashed your lips together. Starting off messing but soon you got into a rhythm. Your lips moulded together, as if they were two puzzle pieces that fit together. You pulled back gasping for air. You rested your foreheads together. "We have to get ready for dinner it's in 30 minutes and we can't be late." Lucy breathed out, struggling to catch her breath. "I- okay, I'll let you shower." You said in between breaths. "Or you could join me for a quick one." Lucy said kissing you and pulling you into the bathroom.

You were both very much running late. Your shower was not quick at all. You and Lucy were running. She was in a white ribbed tank top, with cream dress trousers, white airforces and her hair in a slick parted low bun. You had a black ribbed tank top, with black dress trousers and red and white airforces, you had also done your hair. You both were sprinting to where the meal was downstairs. Before you got to the door, Lucy pulled you into a kiss, "I'll go in first then you come in a bit after me." She said breaking the kiss.  You stood back as she walked in. A few seconds later you walked in, faced with everyone. Of course the only seat is next to Lucy. You took your seat but you wanted to apologise to the team. "I just wanted to apologise to everyone for the way I acted I just wanted to impress you all and got frustrated when I felt embarrassed, so I'm sorry and especially to you Lucy." Agreements of "it's okay." and nods came from the team. You looked of to Leah were she mouthed the words "I'm proud of you." Giving you a reassuring wink. You turned back and started eating and said to Lucy "Confío en que mi disculpa haya sido lo suficientemente buena desde el principio, bombón." (I trust my apology was good enough earlier, hottie) "Si mucho asi hermosa." (Yes very much so beautiful) Lucy quickly quipped back. You suddenly hear Jordan choke on her food a bit laughing, you look up. "Sabes que sé un poco de español." (You know I know a little Spanish) Nobbs choked out though laughs. Your face went bright red. Lucy placed her hand on your thigh, actually it was very high up. "Joder, lo olvidé, Jordan, por favor no digas nada." (Fuck I forgot, Jordan please don't say anything) Lucy calmly said not drawing attention to anything they are saying. "I won't, I won't." Nobbs put her hands up laughing at the two of us. Lucy reassured me that Jordan wouldn't say anything and they had known each other since they were 12. The rest of the dinner went pretty smooth. Lucy did the odd teasing of moving her hand higher and squeezing.  This was gonna be a long camp.

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