Leah Williamson pt4

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Leah Williamson

Leah had slowed down a little to walk with Katie but you carried on walking alone your heart still in bliss but your mind lost in thoughts. 'What were the others gonna think?' 'Will they think she will govern us special treatment?' 'What will the fans think?'. All of these questions ran rampant through your mind. You got downstairs, "Where is everyone?" You called back to Katie. "Well since you lover birds decided to take your time the others left to get there already, so I said we would meet them there." She called back. Great they are really gonna know now. Panic spread through your mind, Leah must have seen this painted on your face, she gave you a loving look and a quick graze of the hand as Katie was still stood there. "I'll order a taxi." Katie said moving over towards the door away from you and Leah.

Leah looked around before moving close to you, she put her arms around your waist,  "Y/n, what's wrong?" She asked in a soft tone. "I'm worried what people will think which I know is stupid but-" Leah cut you off, "Hey it's okay, I mean no one has to know we will just say a makeup emergency happened or a clothing emergency, it will be okay I promise." She said placing a quick soft kiss on your cheek. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, Leah was right. You both knew what would happen if this out out I mean for god sake it only happened a few minutes ago.

"Taxis here!" Katie called out.  You felt sick, anxiety took over you. You had gotten in your own head about everything. You eye fixed on the ground you mindlessly walked to the taxi, not hearing Leah call you name out. You climbed in the back moving over to the right. You chest rose and fell rapidly, you tried to calm down, then she sat there. Your heart started to slow. She placed her hand on the side of your leg so Katie couldn't see. Leah brings you so much peace, she always has been.

Leah managed to calm you down without knowing she did, you now had arrived at the restaurant. As you walked in you were greeted by a waitress asking if you had a reservation, "It's under Little." The Irish woman spoke, Kim had clearly booked this, she always uses her name, she doesn't believe people will know who she is. The waitress brought the three of you over to the girls already sat at the table. We all sat at the end, Katie sat next to Cait on the end and I slid next to Jen and Leah sat next to me. "What bloody happened to you too?" The tall Scot asked, panic stricken you froze till Leah as cool as anything answered, "I had a wardrobe malfunction, who knew Y/n/n, could sew." She said looking at the drink menu, I mean she was right you are rather good at sewing. She leaned over to you with the drinks menu, holding slightly above your faces, not suspicious but enough for no one to lip read, "I'm gonna get you fucked tonight, in all the best ways possible." She whispered in your ear, dear god this woman did things to you. You felt you cheeks heat up, you became flustered and no words came out, you were interrupted by the waitress, "Can I get you guys any drinks?" She asked. Katie went first getting her beer, then Leah piped up, "Can we both get a margarita please." She smiled leaving you stunned, you just smiled and nodded.

Drink 1. Drink 2. Drink 5. Drink 8. Drink 10. One after another, you drank keeping up with Leah. You had all left the restaurant a few went back to the manor, and you, Leah and a few others went out to a club. You were very much drunk, "3..2..1!" You called out to Leah as you both did a shot slamming the glass on the bar side. She grabbed your hand leading you to the dance floor. The music pumped in the room, alcohol flowed through your veins, so confidence took over. You wrapped your arms around her waist guiding her has she danced on you. Both of you blissfully unaware of your teammates looking on. Your hands travelling up and down her sides, choosing to stay close to her waist band. Leah got more bold with her movements against you, you decided to trail kisses along her neck. Both of your trances were broken when you heard a whistle. Your necks turned to see Jen whistling and the team looking on at you both. You looked at each other pure love in each, you giggled like children taking Leah's hand going towards the exit. You stumbled out towards the road. Still ahold of Leah's hand you pulled her in for a loving kiss, not long just filled with love. You hailed a taxi, getting in. You told the driver the location of the manor and set off. Leah got a little handsy in the back of the taxi but soon you pulled into the drive. You thanked the man and both stumbled out. You pulled out a key and fumbled with it, finally unlocking it. Leading Leah through the house, till a cough came from the side. You both looked, it was Kim, stood in a dressing gown with a cup of what you assume tea. "Have a good time girls?" She questioned like a mother. "Yeah." You slurred out swaying side to side with Leah at your arm. "Hmm go get sleep you too." She said sternly. You both stumbled up to your shared room. You fumbled with the key again opening it. Leah grabbed you pulling you both inside and pushing you against the door, smashing both your lips together.

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