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You remove your mask, finally able to breathe after the suffocating airport experience

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You remove your mask, finally able to breathe after the suffocating airport experience. Now standing on the sidewalk, the breezy afternoon air fills your nose. Holding your luggage, you take a deep breath and start walking on streets, with only children playing around.

Arriving in front of a modest two-story house, not as fancy as yours, you take another deep breath before knocking on the door, waiting patiently. After a few minutes, you hear footsteps approaching.

"Ugh, who's coming around this time? Whoever you are, if you're looking for Y/n, she's not living here!" a voice declares, followed by a click as the door opens. Your little brother, with an initially annoyed face, quickly transforms it into a bright smile upon spotting you.

"Big sis!" he yells, embracing you tightly. You smile and ruffle his hair. "Seems like someone is a bit too excited to meet me," you say, chuckling.

"Of course! It's been a while since you last visited us," he pouts after pulling away.

"I was busy, but I've got time now," you explain.

"What's going on here?" another voice chimes in, and you turn your gaze to your grandmother.

"Hi," you greet her with a wide smile as she smile back.

"Y/n honey, you didn't tell us you would come and visit," your grandma exclaims, hugging you.

"Just wanted to surprise both of you," you say, smiling sheepishly.

"Where's mom and dad?" you asked, sensing their absence, as they usually would be the first ones to greet you.

"They didn't tell you?" your grandma responded, and you shook your head in confusion.

"They're out for their anniversary celebration in Switzerland," she explained.

"Oh, I forgot it's their anniversary month," you said, rubbing the back of your head.

"And they didn't even bring me!" your little brother pouted.

"Since Y/n is here, let's cook homemade pizza and your favorite food, okay?" your grandma suggested with a soft smile, bringing back the excitement to your little brother's face.

"Go put your luggage in the room and take a rest before coming downstairs," she instructed, and you nodded in agreement.

"Alright, Nana."

You went upstairs, grabbed your luggage, and, as you reached your door, you twisted the knob open. The room greeted you with perfect organization — not too big, not too small. A picture of you hung proudly on the wall, capturing a candid moment, and nearby, another framed image commemorated the first time you won an Oscar.

Pushing the luggage inside, you closed the door behind you. The soft click of the door echoed in the room, creating a sense of tranquility. Plopping down on the bed, a sudden warmth enveloped you as you took in the familiar surroundings. Your eyes slowly closed, the weariness of the day washing over you like a gentle wave, providing a comforting sense of relaxation.


You savored each bite of your favorite cookies, crafted with love by your grandmother, as you settled into the cozy couch, enveloped in a warm blanket. The movie held your attention, and the quiet hum of the evening surrounded you.

The rhythmic ticking of a nearby clock marked the passage of time, while in the adjacent rooms, your younger brother had already drifted into peaceful slumber after a satisfying dinner. The soft glow of the TV illuminated the room, creating a tranquil atmosphere, perfect for unwinding at the end of the day.

"What happened to that boyfriend of yours? Don't tell me you're still dating him," your grandma asked, focused on her knitting.

"Naoya?" you clarified.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever his name is," your grandma replied, clearly annoyed by the mention of his name.

"We broke up," you said simply, turning your gaze slightly toward your grandma, who now had a happy expression on her face.

"Finally!" she exclaimed joyfully. "I forgot to tell you that; it was a long time ago too," you added.

"It's fine as long as you're not with him anymore. I will never call that thing my son," she declared, prompting a chuckle from you.

"Why do you hate him so much?" you asked, genuinely confused.

"I feel like he's just using you for something, and let me tell you, he's a bad news honey," she explained.

You leaned back, still wrapped in the warmth of the blanket, contemplating her words. The movie continued playing in the background, but the atmosphere shifted into a more serious tone.

"I never realized you felt that way," you admitted, your gaze fixed on the patterns of your grandmother's knitting.

She paused her knitting, looking at you with a mix of concern and affection. "Sweetheart, you deserve someone who values you for who you are, not for what they can get from you."

You sighed, "I guess I was blinded by the idea of having someone. But you're right; I should be with someone who truly cares about me."

With a gentle smile, your grandma reached over and patted your hand, "Exactly. And when the right person comes along, I'll be the first to make him homemade cookies."

You chuckled, "What made you suddenly come back home?" your grandma asked,

You kept quiet for a moment, contemplating an answer. There was no way you would share the truth about the barrage of unpleasant news and the people calling you names in the last few days.

"Just got a month break from work," you replied, keeping it simple.

"Really? That's a very rare occasion, but that's good, right?" she smiled sweetly as you nodded your head, "It is." The two of you continued watching the movie, the soft glow of the screen casting a warm ambiance in the room.

" The two of you continued watching the movie, the soft glow of the screen casting a warm ambiance in the room

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