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Your phone buzzed incessantly with a cascade of notifications, "Are you okay?" the concerned messages questioned, each one a pixelated hand reaching out

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Your phone buzzed incessantly with a cascade of notifications, "Are you okay?" the concerned messages questioned, each one a pixelated hand reaching out.

"Yeah," you typed back, the messages, though well-intentioned, felt like fleeting echoes in the vastness of your thoughts.

Minutes later, the persistent buzz transformed into a melodious ring, and Shoko's name adorned the caller ID. "Y/n," her voice carried an undertone of worry and urgency, making you brace for the forthcoming conversation.

"What's up? Why do you sound so concerned?" you inquired, catching the subtleties in her tone that hinted at a deeper unease.

"Well, of course, you've gone and deactivated all your social media, and I couldn't help but fear that you might do something—" She expressed her concern before you interjected to provide reassurance.

"I've decided to take a break from everything. Don't worry, I won't do anything rash," you asserted, attempting to allay her anxieties regarding your sudden retreat from the online realm.

"You scared me for a second," she exhaled audibly through the phone, the weight of concern palpable in her sigh.

"Dinner tonight? I'll come to your place and we'll talk about it," she suggested.

"Sure," you replied, the conversation concluded with goodbyes, and as you gently placed the phone on the coffee table.

With social media's hum now replaced by the ambient noise of your surroundings, you found solace in the simplicity of a decision made. Turning your attention to the television, you navigated through a sea of random movies. The glow of the screen cast a muted illumination on the room, creating a cocoon of solitude within which you could navigate the nuances of your thoughts.

Later in the evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across your living room, the doorbell chimed. Shoko's arrival for dinner added a sense of companionship to the solitude you had sought earlier.

"Hey," she greeted with a warm smile, entering your space with a bag that carried the tantalizing aroma of takeout.

"Hey, Shoko. Thanks for coming," you welcomed her with genuine gratitude.

"I got us a pizza and some chicken," she announced, raising the takeout bag and giving it a playful wiggle.

"You sure know how to cheer me up," you chuckled, the sincerity in your laughter resonating with the warmth of the shared moment.

"Come on, let's talk inside," she suggested, and you stepped aside, holding the door open as she entered,

"Isn't that Naoya bastard the one who cheated on you?" she started the conversation as you settled down at the dinner table, your hands reaching for a slice of pizza.

"Mhm, that's true," you affirmed, nibbling on the pizza.

"How can that bastard just call you that when he's the one who sleep around with girls every night! " Shoko's frustration spilled out as she vented about Naoya's actions.

"Remember when you told me that he was threatening to abuse you if you didn't abort the baby? I know the baby ended up being a miscarriage, but the trauma lingers," Shoko sighed,

"And now, he's gone even further, spreading false stories about you, manipulating situations to make it seem like you were the one at fault. It's infuriating how he's attempting to rewrite the narrative to paint himself as the victim," she continued, her eyes reflecting both anger and sympathy.

"He's been leaking fabricated stories to the media, portraying you in a negative light. It's all calculated to damage your image," Shoko added.

"The relationship has been over for almost seven months, and I don't understand why he's still obsessed with me. I just don't get it. It's not like I was out there accusing him or anything. Hell, I didn't even talk about the things he did to me publicly," you said.

"Why don't you just file a lawsuit?" Shoko suggested, "I know a great lawyer, and he's a good friend of mine," she added.

"One day I will. I also plan to take a month break from everything, and after that, I'll most likely start getting back to my activities and maybe expose his ass," you said after taking a thoughtful sip of diet coke.

"I'll be the first one to celebrate the downfall of him," Shoko smirked a bit,

"Enough with depressing talk for now. Let's focus on the good things. Have you thought about what projects you want to dive into after your break?" she redirected the conversation, aiming to infuse a spark of positivity into the room.

"Taylor Swift personally reached out to my manager asking if I can work together with her in one of her upcoming new short film music video" You said excitedly

"Wait what is that real?" She asked

"Yeah my manager told me few days ago in my art studio" You continued

"I can't believe it! That's a huge opportunity," she exclaimed, her eyes reflecting genuine excitement.

"I know, right? It's such an honor. I've always admired Taylor Swift, and being a part of her project is like a dream come true," you replied,

"Have you met her in person yet?" she asked, curiosity lacing her words.

"Not yet, but we're scheduled to meet soon to discuss the details. I'm both nervous and thrilled about it," you confessed, a slight nervousness underlying your excitement.

As the dialogue shifted, the air became lighter, and the weight of the past seemed momentarily lifted. Between bites of food and shared laughter, Shoko's presence became a comforting.

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