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Gojo woke up slowly, greeting the morning with a soft, "Good morning, baby

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Gojo woke up slowly, greeting the morning with a soft, "Good morning, baby." However, he was met with silence. Confused, he reached out, swinging his arm around, only to find an empty space beside him. Slowly, he got up, groaning in response.

Blinking away the remnants of sleep, he scanned the bed, but there was no trace of you. "What?" he groaned, wiping his eyes as he glanced around the room. With a growing sense of unease, he decided to check the kitchen, half-hoping to find you there.

As he descended the stairs, the kitchen greeted him with an eerie silence. "Y/n?" he called out, but there was no response. His worry intensified, prompting him to search the entire house. Still, no sign of you.

Feeling a gentle rub against his leg, he looked down to find Luna. He scooped her up. "Do you know where Y/n is?" he spoke to the feline, who responded with a meow. Sighing, Gojo headed back upstairs, bringing Luna along.

Grabbing his phone, he scrolled through his contacts, finding your name. Clicking on it, he began to type a message, noticing only one tick mark indicating it hadn't been delivered. Your profile picture was also mysteriously gone. His growing concern prompted him to call you, but each ring went unanswered, leaving him muttering, "Shit," under his breath.

Panic began to set in as Gojo frantically tried to reach you, his mind racing with worst-case scenarios. "Where could she be?" he muttered to himself, Luna perched on his shoulder as if sharing his concern.

His next move was to check his messages for any clues. As he scrolled through the recent conversations, there was nothing unusual. No messages indicating your plans or whereabouts. Frustration and worry etched on his face, he decided to try calling you once more.

The ringing continued, each unanswered second amplifying his anxiety. "Come on, Y/n, pick up," he urged, pacing around the room. Luna, sensing Gojo distress, nuzzled against his cheek in a feeble attempt to comfort him.

Still no sign of you picking up, he starts to rise from his bed and turns on the light, scanning the bed where you slept last night. His eyes catch a note.

Quickly grabbing it, he unfolds the paper, reading until the end "Good morning, Satoru. If you found this note, it means that I might not be coming back. I'm trying to clean up the mess I created back in the days. Don't worry, I am safe and sound. I think breaking up might be the best for us. Please don't try to look for me in my house or hometown, I'm not there. Goodbye, Satoru. I love you."

"Fuck!" he clenches the note and throws it away. Covering his face with both palms, he clutches his hair tightly and leans on the bed.

"I knew something was up," he mutters.


"Sir, we've told you so many times that she's not here," the guard said.

"Then can you at least tell me where she is?" He asked, raising his voice a bit.

"We don't know," the guard replied as Gojo clenched his fist on the guard's shirt.

"Sir, I'm telling you the truth. She only told us that she's not coming back home for I don't know how long," the guard stammered.

"I don't care. Open the door," he demanded.

"We can't. Ma'am said not to let anyone in," the guard explained.

"I'm her boyfriend. Let me in now," Gojo protested again.

"I said now," he clenched his fist tighter, scaring the guard in the process.

"Fine, sir. Let me go first, and I'll open it," the guard said as Gojo released his grip.

Once the door was open, he rushed inside your mansion, calling out your name and searching almost everywhere. Yet, there was no trace of you.

"Where could she even be?" He cupped his face, eyeing the house worriedly.

"I couldn't afford going back to her hometown, especially with all these tight schedules," he added, tightening his grip.

"Don't you guys at least have anything that could contact her?" He turned to the guards.

"No, we don't have ma'am's numbers. We usually contact her through her manager," the guard explained. Gojo's eyes widened as it clicked in his mind.

With that realization, he left the house immediately.


"She told me that she's taking a week break," the manager said, adding, "and she hasn't left me any words since two days ago."

"Can you try to call her?" Gojo asked.

"Sure," the manager said as he dialed your phone, but you didn't pick up.

"That's weird, she would always pick up my calls," the manager remarked.

"Can you keep calling her until she picks up?" Gojo asked desperately.

"I would, but I don't want to invade her privacy. Also, I don't usually call her if she's on break, it's part of our agreement unless it's urgently important," he explained.

"You have to help me out. I have no idea how I should text her or get her back. If this keeps on, then I might not meet her ever again," Gojo said worriedly.

"I will try my best to contact her from time to time and let you know if there's any update," the manager sighed.

"Did you make her mad?" He added.

"No, I didn't. We were okay these past few days, I don't think I did anything wrong but this morning when I woke up  she's already gone," Gojo explained, to which the manager kept quiet for a second and caressed his face.

"I think it has to be about Naoya again," he said.

"What do you mean?" Gojo raised his eyebrow.

"Well, I'm not in a position to tell the truth. You need to talk to her yourself," the manager said.

"But you have to tell-"

"I'm sorry, Satoru. I can't, and I gotta go. I have tons of work now," the manager said, walking off and leaving Gojo standing in defeat as he clenched his fist.

 I have tons of work now," the manager said, walking off and leaving Gojo standing in defeat as he clenched his fist

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