Lilith Is the Mother of All Demons

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Lilith was Adam's first wife, and she was the mother of demons and the supreme empress of Hell when Adam fled the Garden of Eden. She is also known as the Mother of Vampires since she is credited with creating the Turok-Han, an ancient vampire species.

Lilith is a stunningly beautiful and well-endowed woman who, together with Eve, is considered as the embodiment of feminine beauty. Lilith had platinum blonde hair, pale skin, beautiful blue eyes, and appeared to be more slim but voluptuous than Eve, who had ginger hair.

Lilith's hair darkened significantly after being banished from the Garden of Eden, turning a blackish-red tint, while her skin turned a light-brown colour. Her eyes, which had been sky blue, had turned a dark yellow colour.

God created Lilith, Adam's first wife, from the same original stuff as her counterpart. Lilith met Lucifer while strolling the primordial plains at some point, and the two had a very friendly talk immediately after the Lord rebuked the Morning Star.

Lucifer succeeded to persuade Lilith to join him in his cause throughout the conversation. He persuaded her that because Lilith was made of the same clay as Adam, she was equal to him and hence should not be under him, and that she would not be a puppet tied to any rope. The words of the Morning Star enlightened Lilith.

Lilith and Adam began arguing immediately when she refused to lay submissive during sexual intercourse, left him enraged. In turn, Adam grumbled to God about his wife abandoning him. God dispatched three angels to find Lilith in the Red Sea and return her to Eden.

They threatened to take away 100 of her children every day if she didn't return to Adam. She refused, and all of her children were slaughtered as a result. Lilith was so distraught that she departed the Garden of Eden, pouting in despair and desolation, and subsequently assisted Samael in starting the celestial war.

After the angels' fall and Lilith's complete separation from Heaven and humanity, she eloped with Samael, now known as Satan, and the two were supposed to have made love in a cave, giving birth to some of the earliest demons. God punished by casting Satan further into the Pit, where his outward form is bound but his actual body roams the Ninth Circle's outskirts. Because Satan was imprisoned, she turned to Asmodeus instead, producing demonic progeny and wreaking havoc wherever she went.

Lilith became Asmodeus' spouse, and their children were the Lilim, whom Lilith nurtured and trained herself, usually through harsh and merciless tactics. After marrying Lucifer, who called himself Emperor of Hell, Lilith advanced drastically in the ranks, becoming the first and likely only Demon Queen as well as the Empress of the Inferno. Mundus, the prospective heir to Hell's kingdom, was born as a result of Lilith's mating with Lucifer.

Lilith decided to produce Earthly monsters after bearing the demons that now roam Hell; in some writings, Lilith was referred to as the mother of all vampires or monsters, earning her the titles of the First Vampire and the Mother of Monsters.

Her creation of the Turok-Han, the first vampires to appear in history, earns her the title of "mother of vampires." Lilith also exacted vengeance on the Heavens by unleashing fear on women giving birth, newborn babies, especially males, and men who slept alone.

Protecting new mothers and their newborns with amulets against Lilith was a prevalent practise in various cultures as late as the 18th century. Males were most vulnerable during the first week of life, whereas females were most vulnerable during the first three. A magic circle was often made around the sleeping child, with a charm imprinted with the names of the three angels, Adam and Eve, as well as the words "barring Lilith" or "guard this newborn child from any harm."

Amulets were frequently put in the four corners of the bedchamber and throughout the room. It was thought that if a youngster giggled while sleeping, Lilith was around. It was thought that tapping the youngster on the nose would make her leave.

So, the femme-Fatale Lilith is still lurking somewhere, causing chaos, seducing men, and eating young babies. Beware of sleeping alone at night!

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