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Your P.O.V
You and Mark talked the whole way to the party. You couldn't help but blush and giggle when he stuttered. He would laugh it off but blush with embarrassment. He was really starting to like you, and I mean REALLY. starting to like you. He was scolding himself for not having the courage to confess his feelings.

The two of you soon arrive at the party. Mark helps you out of the car and escorts you to the door. He softly knocks on the door and the one and only Irishman, JackSepticEye (Sean) opens the door.

"Hiya Mark! And hello there Mark's date!" He says with a wink. You and Mark have faces that are as red as the Bloody Mary margarita the bar served. Sean laughed as he lead the two of you inside.

"So, Mark, whom is this lovely girl you decided to take to this amazing party?" Jack asks with that awesome Irish accent.

Mark's face looks like a person who REALLY liked Christmas and decorated their outside with REALLY bright Christmas lights.

"Well, (Y/N) was the one whom sang the Five Nights at Freddy's song. She also bumped into me after the song." He says, fondness clear in his voice. He was looking at Sean, trying to hide his red face.

"Ah, so you were the one who sang the Mangle song! It was very lovely!" Sean compliments as he laughs. You smile at him and he smiles back.

"I think you and I are going to be great friends!" He says as he pulls you in for a hug.

Blush, well, we can't even call it blush because your face was completely red. It was nice to befriend the amazing JackSepticEye. You hug back and smile, happy to have a new friend.

Little did you know, Mark was about to pull you off because of the smug smile Jack was giving Mark. Sean was trying to get Mark to tell you about his feelings for you.

Mark clears his throat and you two break away from the hug.

"Well! I bet you want to meet the rest of the gang! Am I right?" Sean says in his happy voice. You nod vigorously and Mark and Sean laugh at your eagerness. Mark wraps an arm around you; your face now felt like a thousand suns were burning it. Mark had never done this before; which shocked you. He was smiling, but on the inside he was nervous but bouncing with happiness.

Sean led you to the bar, which had three guys standing next to it. You recognize each one immediately. Bob stood there with his glasses slightly crooked. Wade was sitting down and making a ridiculous face. Then, there was Yamimash, who was talking to Bob.

"Hiya friends!" Sean says in his normal, loud voice.

All heads snap back to Sean, Mark, and you. You were trying to keep the inner fan girl you had in you in. It was too dangerous to be let out; especially in front of these amazing YouTubers! You gulp and rub the back of your neck as you wave at them awkwardly.
(Reader Chan! No need to be shy!)

They look back to you; then Mark. This continues for a while until Wade decides to speak up.

"Who's the hot date Mark?" He says in his usual voice.

You're face was beginning to heat up after just cooling down. You look down at your feet, smiling.

"Well, uh, I, uh..." Mark stutters as he tries to explain your being there.

Of course, Sean, being the impatient Irish man he is, decides to explain for Mark.

"Well, the lass sang that beautiful Mangle song! After her performance, Mark bumped into the lovely lass and he got butterflies in his stomach. Ever since he got back to the hotel room!
(Y/N) this, (Y/N) that! He can't stop! But, being the nervous Nancy he his, he won't confess his feeling for the lass!" Sean states in a rather louder tone than usual.

Your head snaps up to see the man himself; his face redder than a juicy tomato! Your face was now back to what it had been most of the night. Hotter than the Sahara desert with a thousand suns. Your mouth was agape in utter shock.

Meanwhile, Sean was grinning like a leprechaun who had too much to drink. Bob, Wade, and Yami all stared at the two of you.

It goes quiet, the sound of the music had died down in your ears. After the total silence the five of you had for five minutes, Mark decides to say something.

"D-do y-you f-feel th-the s-same?"

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