The Past is the Past (or is it?)

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Your P.O.V

The question replayed in my mind as I looked at the both of them.

"Well, I was going to have to tell you at one point..." I say with a sigh.

After I finish that sentence; Mark's hands clasp around me tightly..

"What is it Honey Bunny?" Mark asks worriedly.

"My parents are in jail; for a long time. Those scars are from them Mark. They don't care about me. I was hoping I wouldn't have to tell you... But I guess it was inevitable. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier." I say as I start to cry.

"(Y/N), it's okay. I understand and I'm not going to leave you. I love you and that will always stand true. Those b#s%*rds! Why would they want to hurt you?" Mark asks as he pulls me into a giant, bear hug.

"I-I don't know... I was so scared that I wouldn't have someone to protect me Mark. Then I found you and I was scared you wouldn't like me if I told you." I confess; tears spilling down my cheeks.

"Don't ever say that again. I'll always love you. I'll protect you over anything. You know I'll always care about you... right?" He asks as he looks at me.

I just nod my head; still feeling bad that I hadn't told him earlier.

"And I'll always be here to. I want you to know that you can talk to me about anything." His mom says as she hugs me.

I nod my head again. I was still in disbelief; this is what a family who cares about you is like? I loved it; I don't want this to end. I have a lovely boyfriend who cares about me and a mom. I don't know what could go wrong.

After our little talk, Mark and I went back to watching old, Christmas movies. We cuddled on the couch; Mark always telling me he loves me and I saying the same thing back. I really do love him. He means the world to me. I'm not sure what I'd do if he got hurt or worse.

"Babe, I can still tell you're dwelling on not telling me. Let me tell you something a good friend of mine told me. THE PAST IS IN THE PAST!" Mark says as he sings the last part.

I start laughing and I kiss his cheek.

"You're amazing." I say with a smile.

"You're even more amazing." He rebuttals as he Eskimo kisses me.

"Nope; you're the best around!" I say as I shake my head.

"Awe... Thanks babe. But you're still the best." He says as he leans in for a kiss.

I quickly close the gap between us and kiss him softly. He wraps his arms around me protectively, and I wrap my arms around his neck securely. His kisses were always nice and passionate. They told me he loves me in every way possible.

I break the kiss and Eskimo kiss him. I love him so much. I just wanna stay with him forever and not care about the consequences. He loved me after all I had been through. He as my everything and nothing would keep us apart.

We spent some time with the family again. Talking about where I lived before I went to Boston and met Mark.

"You must miss your home..." a relative of Mark comments.

I freeze at this comment and Mark could tell.

"She sacrificed everything to be with me. Just one of the many reasons why I fell in love with her." Mark says as he kisses my cheek.

I thank him and return the action. I loved when he stuck up for me. He always knew when I needed help with something. He was such an amazing boyfriend; I don't know how he can be crazy over me.

"I love you Markimoo. I really do. I'm so in love with you that I'll never be able to let you go." I coo as I lean onto him.

He blushes and caresses my hair. His actions making me sleepy; my eyes start to droop and I fall asleep with a small sigh escaping my lips.

While You're Asleep

Mark's P.O.V

We were all talking; my beautiful girlfriend had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I had put her head on my lap so she would have a pillow; I wanted her to be as comfortable as possible.

I trace the scars on her arms. How could anyone want to hurt someone like her? She's so sweet and gentle and caring and loving. I didn't care if she was too shy for her own good. I was in love with her.

I want her to be the mother of my kids. I don't care what it takes; we've been through a lot and I love her. I was going to wait a little while longer before I actually propose. I knew (Y/N) didn't want to rush into things; even if she trusted me.

She's had trouble with family before, but I'm going to show her what real family is. I want her to know that she can rely on me for anything, and I'll always be here with her. I'll be the Romeo to her Juliet. The Tamaki to her Haruhi. I'll be her anything because that's how much I love her.

We decide to turn on the news; we had run out of things to talk about. My mom flicks it onto the news which had a warning on it.

"In the state of (your state you were born in). Two criminals have escaped after fifteen years in prison. These two were arrested for child abuse in the early 2000's after in an investigation of the screams a neighbor had reported. Young (First Name) (Last Name) was nine when her parents were found guilty of the murderous act. (First Name) was put in an orphanage where she was never adopted. Once she was eighteen; she moved out on her own and she was never heard of again. The police think that these "parents" are going after her. If you see these two anywhere, call the number down below." That's when I turned the T.V off; I didn't want to hear anymore.

I look down at (Y/N)'s head. It was still in a peaceful slumber. I'm not sure what I would do once she woke up. I stroke her soft (hair color) locks. Whatever happens, I will protect her.


(And this chapter is finished! Thank you all so much for being patient with chapters! These aren't going to come out as often because school is starting and I have to go. I still feel terrible that they aren't coming out as quickly as I used to put them out. I had writers block and that freaking sucks. On another note. WE REACHED 2.5K!!!!!!!!!! (◐‿◑) That is so amazing I didn't think 1K was even possible! Thank you so much for reading and doing all that jazz for me! It's so cool! I hope you all are still enjoying this story! Anyways, thank you again for reading this chapter and if you liked it vote, comment, or break the scale and do both! It's always appreciated! And as always, I will see you in the next chapter! BUH-BYE!!!!!!! (^O^)/)

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