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Your P.O.V

I have no idea what I looked like on camera. I was just having fun with Mark, playing games or just plain watching him. I wasn't sure if the people who watched Mark would catch on to the fact that we were dating.

I tried to hide the affection I felt for him on camera, but sometimes it was really hard. When he got annoyed, I would try to resist the urge to hug or kiss him. He was just too cute sometimes.

When we played together, I tried to call out one of his nicknames but would quickly stop myself before I got to it. We played many games such as; stupid phone games that we tried to beat each other in, knock off multiplayer games, and games on websites like Cartoon Network just to laugh at how bad some were.

The rest of the day was of us editing each and every video we had. Laughing at the stupid things we said and editing the most random things in. I couldn't remember the last time I had this much fun.

After editing each video; we had to wait for each one to upload. Mark turns to face me and smiles.

"Well! We have a few hours to kill before the videos actually are posted; what do you wanna do?" He asks as he takes both of my hands and softly caresses them.

"Well, I saw you have cookie dough in the fridge when we ate lunch..." I say with a smirk.

Mark smirks back and screams, "RACE YA!"

He runs off and I shout a "No fair!" back as I chase after him and into the kitchen which Mark has already beat me to.

"Guess you're no Ms. Cheetah anymore!" He teases.

I walk up to him and lightly punch him. He does the same and kisses my cheek. A faint pink rises to my cheeks. I was still not used to the whole "girlfriend" thing.

Mark chuckles at my face and hugs me. I get the cookie dough, which so happened to be (favorite cookie), my favorite. (Post your favorite kind of cookie if you want to! XD I'm curious)

I try to escape only to find that Mark would tighten his grip every time I would try to move somewhere else. I tried to move to the cupboard and Mark pulled me close to his chest. Blush darkened my face even more than it had and I try to resist. I try and squirm away again; only to have Mark get angry.

"NO! Mine." He pretend growls.

I laugh and reach for a cookie sheet Mark had gotten out for me. I decided to tickle my way out of his grasp.

"Maark..." I say as I move my face closer to him.

He moves his face closer to mine and I quickly start tickling him. His grip loosens as he starts laughing like crazy. I quickly slip out of his grip and start to make cookie shapes and putting them on the sheet.

"No fair! Tickling isn't allowed!" He whines once he catches his breath.

"Do you want cookies?" I ask with a giggle.

"Yes..." He pouted as he sighed in defeat.

Mark and I made 22 (favorite cookies) cookies. We eventually put them in the oven and set the time for fifteen minutes.

"Well, we could see if the videos are down uploading!" He says cheerfully and runs to the recording room.

I look in awe at all the different recording equipment as I follow Mark.

"Did I ever tell you your equipment is amazing?" I ask as I look at his mic.

"No, but I'm glad I found someone who respects it!" He says with a cheerful grin.

"Well, I'm glad I found you to!" I exclaim as I walk over to the computer.

"Wanna read the comments?" He asks with a smile.

I nod nervously and close my eyes as I open the comments. I hear Mark laugh as he looks at them.

"What?" I ask as I peek through one of my closes eyes.

"Well, about everyone asked why such a sexy girl was recording with me. Others asked if you were my girlfriend. And there are some jealous fan girls with death threats if you are. Oh! And a lot of others said we make a cute couple." He states.

I look at him worriedly as he says "death threats".

"Why would they want to kill me?" I ask.

"They're jealous of what we have baaaaby." He says in that oh so amazing voice of his.

Blush engulfs my face as I think of the other things he had said.

"Well, after counting, I think you're a fan favorite. But, you'll always be my favorite, no matter what!" He states as he puts me in his lap.

"Awe.... You'll never not be my favorite! You'll always be my favorite Markimoo." I coo as I lean into his chest.

"Honey, do you smell something?" Mark asks as he he tightens his grip on me.

"THE COOKIES!" I yell as I wriggle out of his grasp and run to the kitchen.

"NO!" Mark says as he collapses on his knees and looks at the now burnt cookies.

"Well, that was a bust." I state as I start to throw the cookies away.

"Actually, let's keep them as a reminder of the first time we baked something!" He says cheerfully.

That was my Mark; the one that always looked on the bright side no matter what. I had never had someone like this, but I love every second of it.

Mark put the cookies in a tin and labeled them, "Love Cookies", which made me giggle.

"Come on! Let's go get some ice cream!" Mark exclaims as he tugs me to his car.

I laugh and let him tug me to the car. We went to get ice cream, and that was the best time I've ever had with anyone. I was falling in love with Markiplier.

(And done! Sorry it took forever for me to update! I was just trying to think of some good ideas! Anyway, I really hope you liked this chapter because I enjoyed writing it! It's one of my favorites by far! There is also gonna be another short chapter and I bet you can guess why! I'm just so happy right now it's scary! You all are so amazing! Anyway! Thank you all so much for reading this chapter! If you liked it, show it some love by voting, commenting, or doing just both! And if you wanna know more about me! Follow me for a friend! And as always friends, I will see you! In the next chapter! Buh-Bye! (^-^)/

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