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Your P.O.V
I hear my name called a couple times and I moan; turning to the side. I hear my name get called a couple more times and I feel something hard poke my cheek.

"(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N) it's time to get up. (Y/N), sweetie, time to get up so we can go to Los Angeles. C'mon!" I hear Mark complain as he gently shakes me.

"No... I wanna sleep!" I complain like a two-year-old as I flip the pillow on my ear.

"Alright, you've brought this on yourself!" He says. I can practically hear his smirk as he says though words.

I feel two hands wrap around my waist and his fingers start to tickle my sides. I start laughing and rolling around on the bed.

"MARK! Alright, ALRIGHT! I'm up!" I say through pants and laughs.

He chuckles and kisses my forehead. I open my eyes to see a shirtless Mark.

"MARK! Get dressed!" I exclaim; blushing like no tomorrow.

He chuckles and and runs into the bathroom to get changed. I rub my eyes and the blush glows brighter than a tomato. I am wearing Mark's clothing and I had totally forgotten about it.

After I had gotten changed into the dress I had worn the night before; I had no idea where to put the clothes.

"Markimoo! Where should I put the clothes?" I ask in my most innocent tone.

"You can keep them baaaaaaby." He says with that oh-so-deep voice of his.

Could he drive me anymore crazy about him than I already was? His smile, his eyes, his hair, his laugh, his... EVERYTHING! (Calm down reader chan! >u<) I swear I was starting to fall for this man every second I spend with him.

"Thank you HoneyBear!" I say through giggles at the new nickname.

"HEY! I THOUGHT WE AGREED ON BOYFRIEND/YOUTUBER?!" He shouts with false anger. He knew I could see right through his "tough guy act". I knew that he was faking because of the laugh he was trying to hold back.

I roll my eyes as I walk over to a suitcase that was unpacked.

"MARK! I thought you were already packed!" I exclaim as I look at the empty space.

I hear a deep chuckle sound from the bathroom and the sound of a creaking door.

"I am! That's for you! My love muffin!" He says as he wraps an arm around my waist.

"Really? Love muffin?" I ask as I try to stifle a giggle.

"Hey! I thought it was romantic!" He says as he puts the arm that's not on my waist up in defense.

I give him a "really" look and he can't help but chuckle at my response and give me a tight squeeze.

"You know you're mine baby? Right?" Mark asks; looking away from me.

I am about ready to slap this man right now. I give him a "no duh" look and quickly hug him around his neck; looking straight into his dark chocolate orbs.

"I would never leave you for anyone! If I did; I would regret it forever. I know I'm yours and you're mine! You're my YouTuber!" I say in my most serious tone.

He gives me a "thanks babe" (I'm sorry, BAAAAABY. I just love when he says that! Sorry! >~<)

"And you know that you'll always be my fangirl!" He shouts in a not-so-manly voice.

I giggle at his voice and nod vigorously. He laughs and kisses the back of my head.

"I have an idea on what we can do on the plane!" He says with a child-like voice.

"What?" I ask, my head popping up with newfound curiosity.

"We can, wait for it... CUDDLE!" He shouts as he glomps me and we fall to the floor.

I start laughing and utter a "yes" through the inevitable laughter that had ensued. After awhile, Mark gets off and grabs his bag and mine.

"I can carry it myself." I pout as I look at him.

"That wouldn't be very gentle-man like of me. Now would it?" He says; using his fancy-shmancy (XD) voice.

"I guess not." I say in a child-like voice as I try to take my bag away from the a-little-taller-than-me man. (Again, sorry if you're short!")

"Stahp! I wanna be a good boyfriend!" He whines as he runs out of the hotel room.

"Wait up!" I shout as I follow the black-haired man.

I can hear his chuckle as he slips into the elevator; me being a couple steps behind. I quickly slip into the elevator and end up next to the fast-paced man.

"I didn't even have to hold the button! Good job Ms. Cheetah!" He says with a closed eye smile.

I laugh as I lightly punch Mark and quickly cuddle closer to him. The elevator dings and we step out.

>>>>>TimeSkip to the Airplane because no one wants to read that jazz<<<<<

It was a total hassle to get an extra ticket on the SAME plane as Mark. Fangirls were all over Mark, probably because the last day of the convention was tomorrow and traffic sucks. I wasn't sure if Mark was ready to tell anyone about us so I stood in the corner and watched.

Mark had tried everything to keep them away and it didn't work until AFTER we got onto the plane.

"I'm really sorry (Your Nickname). I was trying to tell them, there were just SO many!" He exclaims, putting the emphasis on so.

I sigh and nod; feeling a bit down about the situation. I feel an arm wrap around my waist and I instantly lean my head onto Mark's chest.

"See? I kept my promise! CUDDLES!" He shouts, obviously not caring who hears. (Awe.. :3)

I laugh and snuggle closer to Mark; seeking warmth. I quickly fall asleep to the relaxing thump of his heart beat. I was ready to take on everything that awaited us in Los Angeles.

(AND.. Another chapter complete! Yay! \(^-^)/ On a more serious tone; THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 500 READS! THATS TRULY AWESOME! I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD GET HERE AND LOOK HERE I AM! Alright, that wasn't very serious but anyways, I'm so glad you guys are loving this story! It's unbelievable and super awesome! I'm sorry it takes longer for me to push out these chapters! For those of you who don't know, I am currently ill! It was looking so much better yesterday, an snow it's not! I may or may not have to get surgery and it wouldn't be super serious! So wish me luck! Or pray for me! Anyway! Thank you all so much for reading! If you liked this chapter comment, vote, or do both! Also, follow me for more amazing stories! And as always! I will see you! In the next chapter! BUH-BYE! (^-^)/)

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