You're the Cream to My Ice!

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(Yes, it is switched because, well, do you wanna be the ice in the relationship? Judge me if you want! Just trying to be sweet! |(-_-)|)

Mark's P.O.V

We had drove out to get ice cream; the delicious treat that can't be beat. I looked over at (Y/N) to see her relaxing as she looked at the houses we passed.

"Winter will be coming soon." She says with a lament tone.

"What's wrong with that?" I ask as I gently take her hand in mine.

"Well, there won't be any snow..." she says with sadness in her voice.

"We can go to Ohio for Christmas! I'm sure my family will want to meet you!" I say enthusiastically.

(Y/N) smiles and laughs.

"You really think so?" She asks with that same beautiful smile I saw after we had our first conversation.

"I know so! My mom saw you in my video and thought you were very funny and beautiful!" I say, remembering the e-mail she had sent me after watching the video.

"Aw... do you really think I'm going to meet your relatives by Christmas? I mean, that's like three months away!" She exclaims; a faint pink dusting her cheeks.

"Yes I do! I really like you (Y/N) and I would go anywhere to make you happy! I think what we have here is right. It doesn't feel wrong; it feels right being with you." I state as I look at her lovingly.

Her face turns redder than a tomato garden when I finish my rambling.

"I thought I was the only one." She shyly states. "I feel the same Mark; there has never been a doubt in my mind that this is wrong." She says as she puts her head on my shoulder.

I wish I could caress her hair and move through those silky (hair color) locks. I was starting to feel something more about her. Every time I look at her; it feels like the first time. I felt something I'd never felt towards anyone, but I toss the thought away for now.

"Almost at the Ice Cream place!" I shout happily.

(Y/N) smiles and giggles as she yells a child-like "yay". Gosh! Her laugh was so freaking beautiful it made me- Lets not finish that sentence. I really wanted her to meet my family; my mom really liked get on the videos. Was I really falling in love? I mean, it happened with my old girlfriend, but I didn't get the feeling I feel when I'm with (Y/N).

I look at her once again; my eyes taking in her every movement. She was sitting there and watching what we would pass on our way here. I see the bright colors of the shop and squeal in delight. I hated going here by myself and I was glad to have someone to go with.

Once we park the car; (Y/N) jumped out of the car and started dancing like I do in my videos sometimes. I laugh and sneakily walk behind her; wrapping my arms around her waist. I could practically feel her blushing as she sighs happily and leans into my chest.

I kiss her forehead and lead her to the gigantic menu so she could decide what she wanted. She goes out to reach for her wallet, but I stop her by hugging her. I put my head next to her ear and whisper, "I'm paying for my special fangirl; there's no reason my fangirl should have to pay."

(Y/N)'s face lights up again and and she kisses my cheek. I blush a little and give her a tight squeeze before letting go. That's what I loved about (Y/N) most; she wasn't too clingy and she trusted me. Wait, d-did I-I just say I-I l-loved? Am I in love with (Y/N)? Is that what I felt towards her? I had been thinking about her more than I used to.

I look at her as she hops in line and she smiles. I was so glad she was happy; I loved when she was happy. I sigh happily as I get in line next to her and we pass the time by telling each other what we like about each other.

"I like your eyes, Mark, I like everything about you! You are amazing!" She exclaims as she dances around.

"Awe... baaaaaby that's so sweet! I agree! I feel the same about you're everything!" I exclaim as I kiss her soft lips.

"That's iiiiicky..." I hear two little voices say in unison.

I look over to see a little girl and a little boy in a Markiplier T-shirt. I see a familiar face run over and quickly apologize.

"I'm so sorry, they love you but they didn't expect you to kiss such a desperate fan." She says in a familiar voice.

"Kaylee! What are you doing here..." I ask in an awkward tone and look down.

"Who's this Mark?" (Y/N) asks in a nervous tone.

"His old girlfriend." She states as she glares at (Y/N). "And who are you? A fan dying of a disorder that makes you ugly? Poor you." Kaylee retorts angrily.

"Hey Kaylee! F#%! off." I growl angrily.

She rolls her eyes at me and stalks off; along with those two little kids. I quickly turn over to (Y/N); who's eyes are watering.

"(Y/N), I don't think you're ugly. You are a beautiful and amazing girl and that's why I picked you. Because you mean the world to me." I coo as I hug her tightly to my chest.

"O-Okay." She says; her voice cracking.

I quickly order and grab our ice cream. I take (Y/N) to our house and I set her down on the couch.

"Wanna watch a movie while we eat ice cream?" I ask hopefully.

She just nods and turns her head away. I felt terrible; why did Kaylee have to be there? I hate her so much; could she have been anymore of a pitch? I quickly take out the Avengers (sorry if you don't like that movie). I pop it into the DVD player and cuddle with (Y/N) as I eat my sundae.

"(Y/N), I don't believe any of that stuff she said. It's not true and I will always be yours." I say as I kiss her head.

"Alright my YouTuber, my Markimoo." She coos as she kisses my cheek.

"You're the cream to my ice!" I exclaim as I cuddle closer to her.

"Wha?" (Y/N) asks as she looks at me confused.

"You're too sweet to be the Ice in the relationship!" I exclaim happily.

"Awe, okay, thanks babe." She says as she leans closer to me.

"No problem my honey bunny. No problem." I state as I start to feel my eyes droop and hear (Y/N)'s breath slow and relax and I fall asleep with the love of my life; I know that now.


(And done! Now we have an antagonist in the mix! And Mark has realized his feelings for you! Sorry it took so long to update; I've been busy with other things since school will start up soon and Paper Towns is going to come out so my friends want to hang out before the school year starts! Just busy stuff! Anyway! I feel really bad if your name is Kaylee, she was just a girl that bullied me a lot and her make came to mind. I'm sure you're not a bad person! Again, I'm sorry if you're name is Kaylee! Anyway, THANK YOU ALL SOO MUCH FOR reading! If you liked it: vote, comment or both! And if you wanna be friends! Follow me for a new one! And as always, I will see YOU in the next chapter! BUH-BYE! ( ^-^ )/)

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