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Blush never left my face until I got to the mall. It was giant compared to the one back home! Then again, this was Boston and not (Birth place, lived when you were a child.) I hear fast footsteps behind me and look back to see Mackenzie.

"What the heck?! You don't leave to go to the mall without taking your best friend!" She explains in a rather loud voice. I look at her and quickly mutter a sorry before I say anything else. "It's okay... You were just excited! Right?" She asks and I nod. "So what do you want to wear to the party?" She asks and we both look around for a dress shop.

She read my mind as she points to a (Favorite Color) dress. She knew everything about me, that's why she was my best friend.

You kept your head down, hoping no one ask about the scars. You knew they wouldn't, no one cared about little miss nerd and her quietness. You sniffled; why did you have to be the one with the crooked parents? Why couldn't it be someone else? WHY!?

Tears stream down your face as you swiftly grab your books from your locker. As you close the door; you see a beautiful girl with thick, black hair, freckles, and light blue eyes.

"Hey, I saw you were crying and I wanted to make sure you were alright!" The girl says in a chipper tone. You sigh and mutter a "I'm fine" and start to head off. Before you can get too far; the girl grabs your arm and stares at you.

"What's wrong?" She asks in a soft tone.

Why did she care? You were a stupid girl with a family that thought you were useless. Your thoughts bang around in your head until you do something you thought you would never do; you started to cry. The girl took you into the girl's bathroom and you sobbed as you told everything. She gasped and asked how long you had to be subjected to this torment.

"F-forever" you mumble and stutter as you begin to cry again. "You were a sorry excuse for a human; you didn't deserve this treatment." That's all you could think until she came into your life and helped you.

Once you and Mackenzie had graduated; Mackenzie had told child services and you were taken away. Mackenzie followed you to (farthest state from you) and you became best friends.

~~~~~~FlashBack Over~~~~~~

If Mackenzie hadn't tracked you down that day; you wouldn't be alive. She was a life save (literally) and you thanked her for that. It felt good to have someone to trust. And now, here you are, shopping for shoes to match your (F/C) dress. The dress and shoes being the outfit you would where to a party Markiplier would be escorting you to.

This all seemed unreal; you never got a lucky break. You were going to take in every second of this moment; because it will probably fizzle away like your hope did so many years ago.

(AUTHOR'S NOTE ~ I'm so very sorry for not posting anything I. This book for a while. Ideas have just been flowing and I have not had any ideas for this book! Look forward to more chapters because I can promise they're going to come out! I'm so glad! We have 11 votes on this story! THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU ALL!

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