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"Chasing what matters most— hope

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"Chasing what matters most— hope."

Dnipro Raion, Ukraine

"UNCLE KAZ?" 017 MUMBLED as she felt him shift beside her.

She snuggled into his side, curling up around him. He had turned to face the other direction, away from her, and it made 017 a little more scared of the darkness in her room. There was still a warm glow coming from the small lamp in the corner, but the shadows didn't go away— they never did. She huffed, grabbing onto his waist and climbing over him. She plopped down in front of him and he pried his eyes open, looking at her with a tired gaze.

He yawned, rubbing his eyes as he shifted again, laying down on his back.

She climbed on top of him, curling up as she wrapped her arms around him. She held onto him tightly as he lifted one hand up to her back. Soft touches traveled underneath her oversized shirt and she focused on the new wings forming.

She tried to flap the tiny limbs, but she couldn't move them very much.

He pulled the temporary casing over her newly formed wings, rubbing off the uncomfortable pieces. They shattered under the warmth of his hand and 017 felt much better as her wings came free from the chrysalis-like material. She tried to flap them, but found her limbs laying uselessly against her back.

Her eyes started to well with tears and she sniffled, clutching onto her dragon plushie tightly.

"You're trying so hard, Звезда," Uncle Kaz mumbled tiredly, "I know you are. So it's okay. I promise I'm not mad, m'kay?"

His hand fell away from her back as he shut his eyes, falling back asleep. 017 leaned her head against his chest, where his heart beat softly against her ear. It sounded very gentle and she couldn't help but think that his heart was the prettiest out of all the bad men and the white coats.

Yes, Uncle Kaz had a very beautiful heart.

She wiped at her nose, holding her dragon plushie closer to herself. She put a hand on Uncle Kaz's face. He mumbled something unintelligible under his breath, half-asleep. 017 pouted, before laying back down on top of him. She hugged him tight, snuggling into him like he would disappear if she didn't hold onto him.

She was scared of Uncle Kaz leaving.


017 lifted her head, brows furrowing with confusion. She sat up, looking down at Uncle Kaz as his eyebrows pinched together. He looked like he was in pain and it made her worried. His lips moved, this time silently. She tilted her head at him, before carefully backing away.

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