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"War is of no concern to a child

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"War is of no concern to a child."

??? Belarus
December, 1993

VAY blew out the eight candles in front of her, all sticking in a very sweet and half frozen ice-cream cake. She resisted the urge to giggle in happiness as the tiny bits of smoke billowed outward. She beamed, turning to look between Rummy and Mr. Rollins, who she was still debating on calling Roly Poly. She thought it would be a fitting name, but she wasn't sure if Rummy would be okay with it.

"You're eight now." Rummy stated as he started to grab for the cake knife and paper plates. "You're going to be reassigned."

Vay blinked.

Her happiness wilted as Rummy cut the cake, placing a slice on the first plate before handing it to her. She picked up one of the forks on the table and cut off a piece. She looked at Mr. Rollins, who was looking at the table in front of him.

When he felt his gaze on her he let his eyes lift to meet hers.


Was this a sad day?

"They'll take you into cryostasis." Rummy explained as he gave Mr. Rollins a piece of cake, cutting his own. "After that, you'll be returned to Winter."

Vay pursed her lips.

She liked living with Uncle Rummy. She'd gotten taller, stronger, and better at combat. She was almost as best as she could be, according to Uncle Rummy. She'd finally managed to defeat him in a sparring battle, and he'd needed to tap on her arm so she wouldn't break his. She'd been very proud by the fact—she thought, maybe, Uncle Rummy could teach her more.

But Papa—

She wanted to see Papa very badly. She hadn't seen him since the new Primary Handler had been introduced. She hadn't met the Primary Handler yet, but he didn't seem very nice. She couldn't be sure. His light wasn't very pretty and it made her afraid.

She didn't know why.

Cryostasis. . .did that mean she might be able to see Loki again?

She could only hope.

Vay put a piece of cake in her mouth and chomped on it contently.


She lifted her head, looking up at Uncle Rummy as he sat down across from her, grabbing a fork and taking a bite of his cake too. She waited patiently as he chewed with a thoughtful look crossing his eyes. She wondered what he was up to—he always had this very firm thinking face.

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