The Spy

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Ash: 15

Misty: 16

Brock: 20


Brock's POV

Holy crap. I just caught my two friends- here. I'll explain to you the beautiful thing I just saw...

Okay. So I was going into Ash's house by climbing through his bedroom window like always. I usually do it to scare him then hang out. I had reached the window and was about to go in when I saw a flash of familiar red hair. That kid was easy to spot, her hair was so vibrant. She had just entered. I finally caught sight of Ash's raven hair sitting across from her on his bed. Soon, I could finally hear their voices over my suspenseful thoughts.

"Ash, what's up?" she smiled as she sat down next to him. I caught Ash's cheeks becoming pink, like a Jigglypuff.

Ash scratched the back of his head and chuckled. "Oh, nothing. Juh... just invited you over to hang out, a-and talk I guess." he stuttered, giving a shy smile.

Misty leaned a bit towards Ash. "Talk about what, Pokemon-Master?" she giggled. I saw Ash's cheeks become the color of one of Nurse Joy's Chansey. Misty just sat there waiting for an answer.

"Oh, uh, just something..." Ash distracted her by staring into her eyes as he reached into his pocket.

"Tell me then, Ketchum!" Misty smirked, squinting her eyes. Ash's cheeks became pinker than a sunburnt Slowpoke as he withdrew his hand from his pocket and handed Misty something. It was a piece of paper that had been written on and erased many times. The paper was wrinkled like it had been crumpled into a ball by the disgruntled writer, then unraveled and flattened back out after they had changed their mind.

Ash sighed dreamily as he looked at Misty, who looked confused and intrigued at Ash and the paper. "Here, I'll read it to you." Ash breathed in and began reading it. Both him and Misty blushed even deeper with each word. 

"Dear Misty,

"I didn't know how to say it before. I thought I would be turned down. Laughed at. Embarrassed. I denied it every time someone brought it up. All I was back then was a confused 10-year-old. Now I'm a confident 15-year-old, and you're a still-beautiful 16-year-old. From the start, I wanted you, but didn't know it. Like I said, I was confused. I didn't want to talk about it. I recently talked to Brock about it and asked for advice. I hope it worked out. I love you.

"Love, Ash."

Misty's eyes were twinkling above her rosy cheeks. "I love you too... A-Ash..." she whispered, looking him in the eye and giving a small and shy, but happy, smile. Ash was as red as a Magikarp. 

"I want you to be my girlfriend, Mist." Ash let the words fall out as he looked even deeper into her "beautiful" green eyes... hey, just giving a few details from Ash's point of view. Misty nodded excitedly and pressed her face against his. They were kissing! I was still single, 20-year-old Brock "Forever Alone" Harrison! Oh well, I was really happy for them, especially Ash. I helped him, so why not be proud of my work?

Now here I am, ducking below the window, my back to the house. Match made.


Hey guys! Hope you liked it, because I loved writing this. I'm actually quite proud of myself! Here it is, 12:30 in the morning, and I wrote an okay story! Well, leave feedback. Vote, comment, follow, and add this to your library so you'll get updates on it. Thanks for reading, my Dragonets!

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