Senpai Notices Her

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(ω) YAY

Ash: 15

Misty: 16

Daisy: 21

Lily: 21

Violet: 21


Misty sat on her bed with her Azurill. Her door was shut so that there wouldn't be any intruders during her alone time... except for Azurill of course. The girl took a huge breath.

"Hey, Azurill." she smiled, picking up her Pokemon and setting it on her lap.

Azurill bobbed its feet back and forth as it was picked up. "Azu?"

"Would you listen if I talked to you?"

"Rill." Azurill nodded.

"Okay." Misty giggled, bouncing her Pokemon gently.

Meanwhile downstairs, the Sensational Sisters were standing around in the kitchen, leaning on the counters, chatting, and drinking iced tea. There was a knock at the door. Daisy ran to get it. She opened the door.

"Hi Daisy. Is Misty home?" a boy with his Pokemon asked with a smile.

"Oh, hi Ash. Misty's up in her room, so you can head right up." Daisy grinned cheerfully.

Ash tipped his Pokemon League Expo hat. "Thanks." The boy headed up the stairs and stopped at Misty's door. He was about to knock, but then heard Misty beginning to talk to her Azurill. He put his ear to the door.

"Azurill, do you think he likes me?" Misty asked, leaning back to her headboard.

I wonder who she's talking about... Ash thought, his face heating up. Pikachu touched his cheek, then quickly pulled away.

"Azu-rill." Azurill shrugged, plopping down onto the bed.

Misty sighed. "I traveled with him for a few years and even gave several hints, but he still didn't notice. Now he's been home for a while and we've hung out almost everyday. He still doesn't seem to have feelings for me. Oh, Azurill..." The girl began to sniffle. Azurill cooed and comforted Misty

Ash bit his lip and looked to Pikachu. I guess I was too blind to see and too afraid to show my own feelings... he thought as he held a hand up to knock on the girl's door. Pikachu placed a tiny hand on Ash's forearm as if to tell the boy to wait. Ash nodded with agreement.

The despairful girl grabbed Azurill into a hug and fell down flat onto her covers. "Ugh. When will Senpai notice me?" she mumbled as she snuggled Azurill. "Senpai notice me!"

The boy outside of Misty's room blushed. Time to do it. "Senpai" will finally notice her. Ash smiled, knocking on her door.

Misty shot up to a sitting position, Azurill hopping to her side. She sniffled and wiped her tears away, but they just kept coming out. "C'mon in."

Ash opened the door with a warm smile on his face. Misty froze. The boy shut the door behind him as Pikachu hopped down to greet Azurill. "Hi Misty."

"O-Oh, hi Ash." Misty smiled nervously, shaking. "Were, uh, you there the whole time?"

"Mhm." Ash blushed, taking a few steps closer to Misty. Time to be a romantic!

Misty blushed deeply and held her breath. "S-Sorry..."

The black-haired boy chuckled and grabbed Misty's hand, pulling her up off of her bed. He pulled her close to him and put his free arm around her waist. Ash let go of her hand and used his hand to wipe away her escaping tears. "No worries. At least Senpai noticed you." They rocked back and forth as if they were slow dancing.

"Ash..." Misty's eyes widened as Ash stared into them with a comforting smile and adorable blush marks.

"Will you..." Ash leaned in and locked lips with Misty for a few seconds. He pulled away and finished his sentence for the wildly blushing Misty. "Go out with me?"

Misty kissed both of Ash's pink-topped cheeks. "Of course!"

"Well then,-" Ash broke away from their "dance" and grabbed Misty's hand firmly. "Let's go tell your sisters, Brock, my mom, then all of our other friends! C'mon, Pikachu and Azurill let's go!"

Misty giggled as Azurill and Pikachu jumped into her arms. She held both of them under her free arm. "Thanks, Senpai." she whispered.


Daaawwwww :'3 I loved writing this! Well guys, vote, comment, follow me, and add this story to your library so you can get updates! Write ya later, my Dragonets!

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