Sweetheart Serenade

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Okay! This might be cute, idk.

Ash: 15

Misty: 16

Daisy: 21

Violet: 21

Lily: 21


Misty's POV

Ash Ketchum... just saying his name makes me happy. Caring, confident, dorky, sweet, he's the whole package. But he's only my best friend, which I really want to change.

His love for his Pokemon companion, Pikachu, is stronger than any bond. Although Pikachu loves Ash, the little guy kinda likes me too. Sometimes when I play with Pikachu, I catch Ash staring at me and smiling. I just blush and look away. It probably doesn't mean anything anyway.

I guess I have a crush on Ash. When we were little and traveling together, I used to try to make him jealous and show affection towards other guys. I can't tell if it worked very much though. I denied it every time our "relationship" was brought up. Ash did too.

So I sat in my room by the window in the middle of the night. My sisters and I live in the back of the gym in a little house attachment. Anyway, I was sitting in my desk, a notebook opened to a page covered in his name and little doodles of him. I held a cheap pen in my right hand, smiling at my page. Why can't I think of anything else? Because I love him.

Ash's POV

Misty Waterflower... her name is beautiful. Fiery, peppy, adorable, kind, she's all I could ever ask for. But she's only my best friend, which I really want to change.

Her love for all Pokemon, except for bug-types, is amazing. She really seems to like Pikachu. Sometimes when she plays with Pikachu, I accidentally stare at her, smiling. She just blushes and looks away. I probably creep her out as much as a Weedle does.

I guess I have a crush on Misty. When we were little and traveling together, she used to try to make me jealous and show affection towards other guys. I can tell, it worked. I would get very jealous. I denied it every time our "relationship" was brought up. Misty did too.

So I'm riding my bike to the Cerulean City gym in the middle of the night. I was going to go around the back to Misty's house. Anyway, I had my guitar strapped to my back. Pikachu was running a few feet ahead, ready for orders. I smiled as the gym, Misty's home, came into perfect view under the stars. Why do I have something planned? Because I love her.

Narrator/Morgan Freeman's POV

Ash was nearing the Cerulean City gym. He swung around to the back and quietly skidded to a halt below Misty's window. Pikachu turned and faced Ash, smiling, as the boy grabbed his guitar.

"Okay, Pikachu. Go up to her window and get her attention!" Ash whispered confidently.

"Pika!" Pikachu cheered quietly, nodding. Ash helped him onto the roof and Pikachu ran the rest of the way and climbed in through Misty's window. "Pika-pi!

Misty rubbed her eyes at Pikachu, awestruck. "Huh? Pikachu?" she giggled, picking up Pikachu, who snuggled into her. "Wait, then that means..." she gasped as she leaned out of her window, Pikachu jumping out of her arms. "Ash!" Misty spotted the raven-haired boy, sitting on his backpack and holding his guitar, ready to play. But, I'm wearing pajamas and my hair's a mess! Misty thought, running her fingers through her frizzy let-down hair and looking down at her pajamas, which were a tank top and short-shorts.

Ash smiled. "Hey Misty. I came to-" he strung his guitar. "Serenade you." He began to spill out quiet, romantic guitar music. The notes were well blended and continuous. Misty blushed and climbed out onto her roof, followed by Pikachu. She sat cross-legged as Pikachu perched on her shoulder. The girl's eyes twinkled in the moonlight and her hair bobbed back and forth in the light breeze. Ash closed his eyes, grinning, and let more notes flow. She's absolutely beautiful... Ash thought, smiling even bigger.

"Oh, Ash..." Misty whispered, blushing and smiling shyly. She stared at Ash as he began to hum along with his music.

Eventually, Daisy, Violet, and Lily walked into Misty's room.

"What's going on? What's that music? Where's it coming from? Where's Misty?" Violet whispered to Daisy as she poked her arm.

Lily ran to Misty's desk and picked up her notebook, reading it outloud. "Ash Ketchum, Ash Ketchum, Ash-"

Daisy bolted to the window, looked out, then ducked back in, holding her hands to her cheeks. "He is her boyfriend! I knew it!" she gasped out loud, startling Misty, who whipped around to see all three of her sisters leaning out of the window with huge grins pasted on their pretty little faces.

"Daisy?! Violet?! Lily?!" Misty squeaked, blushing even redder.

"Yep." Daisy giggled as she held up her phone and began to record the serenading.

Ash chuckled. "Don't worry, little Waterflower. A few more audience members wouldn't hurt." he took a deep breath. "Now, I will really serenade you." The last sentence was delivered as the Sensational Sisters squealed with delight. Misty became even more happy and blushed even more. Ash changed his music into more of an intro, then continued his previous notes while singing.

"You're the little redhead girl 

That I loved from the start,

I just didn't understand it 'til

I looked deeper into my heart.

You really know how to

Make a guy jealous,

You made me blush

When you hit on other fellas.

Now here's a question:

No matter what you do,

Will you go out with me?

Because I love you."

Ash finished singing but continued to play as Misty's sisters clapped, cried, and cheered. Misty, tear-struck, jumped down from her roof and ran to Ash. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him.

"Yes! Absolutely, Ash Ketchum! I love you!" Misty cheered before planting a kiss on his cheek. A deep blush began to sprout from the impact site of Misty's lips and it bridged across his nose to the other cheek as well. Pikachu joined them, nuzzling against both of them.

"Okay, okay. Maybe he is good boyfriend material!" Daisy stated, wiping away a tear. Violet and Lily nodded, and all three began to stare dreamily at the two teens in the yard.

"Yaaay Misty!" the sisters cheered. Ash and Misty both blushed and stared at each other.

Misty looked at Ash and smiled. "This isn't a cruel joke, right?" she joked.

"Nope." Ash smirked as he collided into Misty's lips with his. The Sensational Sisters let out a bunch of catcalls and whistles as Misty kissed back. When the kiss was over, Ash pulled away with the smirk still in place. He picked her up like she was a bride and carried her to the outside wall of her house. Ash helped her back onto her roof. Misty's sisters ducked back into her room as she neared the window.

Misty turned around to see Ash mounted back on his bike, his guitar on his back along with his backpack. Pikachu waved to her. "Goodbye, Ash!" Misty called to him as she blew him a kiss.

Ash tipped his hat to her. "Goodnight, I'll swing by in the morning, little Waterflower!" he sang as he pretended to catch her kiss and planted it on his lips. The boy was off in no time. 

The sisters stood in the doorway of their little sister's room. Misty plopped back into her desk chair. "Little Waterflower..." she said to herself outloud. "I like it."


Okay okay okay okay okay this gave me feels while I read it back over! I hope it does the same to you. It's actually 7:30 PM now! Lol XD I might actually post one more before SuMmEr CaMp, but idk. I hope you read the narration in Morgan Freeman's voice, otherwise I'm very disappointed in you. NOT LOL! Well, vote, comment, follow me, and add this story to your library to get updates! Write you later, my Dragonets!

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