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"Promise me this is forever" she smiles sweetly

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"Promise me this is forever" she smiles sweetly

"I promise this is forever. You are my forever." I reply.

"I love you Arush. I love you till my last breath."

"We'll be always together." I kiss her with all of my heart and soul.

I wake up with a loud gasp and see around myself only to find darkness surrounding me.

I rake my fingers through my hair and groans. Is there ever going to be a single night when I don't dream of her? About her.

I pick up my glass of water and drink it. My throat is dry like desert. This dream or should I say nightmare has become the only thing that I see in my sleep. It's been three years since that devastating day but I always see her face in my subconsciousness. Every time this dream appears and I feel like my heart is being ripped off. For how long are her memories going to torment me?

I get out of my room and climb on my rooftop. I look upwards and see the moon shining alone. There are no stars tonight. I often think how does moon feels when stars abandon it on nights like these? It feels awful when someone leaves after promising you forever. Why do people promise things when in the end they have to break it off.

I lay down on the rooftop and stare ahead, blankly. When was the last time I slept peacefully? I can't remember. Maybe I don't deserve peace. Maybe this is some form of karma. I inhale shakily and close my eyes hoping this time god will have mercy on me and I can have another dream. But seems like there is no dream left for me in which she is not there. My first and last love. My heartbreaker.


"Bro see my abs. Girls are going to lose their mind when they see me." Neil says grinning at me and flexing his chest.

"Shut up Neil. Pay more attention to your studies than girls." I roll my eyes at his behaviour.

Neil is my youngest brother and the most pampered. He is a playboy and thinks himself as the most handsome man alive.

"Aren't your exams coming soon?" Shivansh asks from corner doing push ups.

Shivansh is younger than me but older than Neil. He is different from all of us. He used to be carefree once upon a time but when our sister who is Shivansh twin got separated from him it affected him little too much. He has now become cold and distant. He never shows his emotions, even we don't know what's going on in his mind.

"I'll ace my exams. Thank you so much for reminding me. I'm hungry now." Neil says while running towards the breakfast table.

I wipe my sweat off and make my way to the dining area with Shivansh behind me. Maa is serving the breakfast with Sharvari helping her.

Sharvari is my sister in law, my brother Vihaan's wife. Vihaan is the eldest. He is dangerous and lethal for everyone who is outside of his family. Sharvari is also like Vihaan but she is sly as fox. She holds the power to ruin you with a sweet smile on her face.

MY REDEMPTION (MINE SERIES #2)Where stories live. Discover now