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My phone starts ringing as I step out of the coffee shop

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My phone starts ringing as I step out of the coffee shop. When I see the name Shivika crossing on it a smile instantly forms on my face.

"Hey kiddo" I pick up and smile.

"Hello Aru. How are you?" my sister asks in her soft voice.

"I'm good. What's up with you?" I ask while sipping my cold coffee. This place makes the best cold coffee and it's a bonus that it is nearby our office.

"Dad business is almost finished Aru. I think he is going mad." She whispers with a hint of happiness.

"I know. You just have to wait for few more days and then you'll be back with us. But if he tries to hurt you then call me immediately." I told her.

"He won't do anything to me. Just be safe you all. I don't trust Dad to not harm any of you." she says worriedly.

"He can't do anything to us Shivi. Take care of yourself"

"You too. Bye." She says before the line goes dead.

I finish my coffee as I throw the cup in the dustbin. I know the day when Shivika is going to be with us again is so close. And the credit goes to Sharvari. Before her I and Vihaan were doing damage to our father company but when she joined us the damage became tenfold. Sharvari is expert in her tech field and she uses her knowledge to fully disclose our father dirty business. Once he gets behind the bar Shivika will be free. And knowing how strict are the laws in America I don't think Nitin Oberoi will survive his stay in the jail. That bastard deserves the cruel death.

I start pacing towards my office as I see a group of children playing in the park. As I'm about to cross the road I notice a kid is trying to cross the road by himself and a truck is coming his way. Without thinking any further I jump in the middle of the road to pick up that kid and dive in the sideway. I shield that kid body with mine so he doesn't get hurt in any way.

"Are you okay?" I ask the kid as I hunch down on my knees and he stands up.

"Yes" he stutters with teary eyes. The poor kid must be scared.

"Don't cry. Nothing happened. How about we sit and eat ice cream?" I ask him in a soft voice.

"Okay" he nods as I pick him up in my arms and go to the ice cream vendor. I ask him his flavour before buying the ice cream for him.

"Are you here alone?" I ask him once he start eating.

"No. I'm with them." He says pointing towards the group of kids that are playing in the park.

"Then why were you crossing the road alone?" I question him.

"I'm missing my Mama. I want to meet her." He says in a small voice as tears well up in his eyes. I instantly hug him. I don't why but it feels like I know this kid personally.

"Shh baby. Your mom will come to you soon." I say rubbing his back.

"She works late." He says in a broken sentence. I think he must be around 3 years old as he can't speak full sentences. How can his mother put his child away from her?

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