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Being able to spend my time with my son is a magical feeling

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Being able to spend my time with my son is a magical feeling. We have now formed a solid bond and I get to know him better every time. I love talking with him but tonight I couldn't focus on his conversation. My mind was too occupied with the thoughts of her mother. God, she looked amazing in that dress. I always find her beautiful in Indian attires but this version of her is something else. I was so mesmerized by her that I forget to take a breath for a while there. I can't tell how much I wanted to kiss her then and there.

"Daddy I'm sleepy" Kiaan yawns

"Let's get you to the bed" I say picking him up

"Arush let him sleep with me tonight" maa calls from behind. I lay him down in Maa's room and he instantly dozes off to sleep. Maa joins him in the bed as she is tired too from continuously playing with kids today.

I came to living room and plop down on the couch. Shivansh is busy on his phone and Vihaan is in the nursery with Samara.

"What do you think girls are doing right now?" Neil questions beside me

"Fuck if I know" I grumble. I don't want to think about how some men must be leering at my woman.

"What if they hook up with some crazy stranger" Neil continues with his train of thought

"I doubt anyone crazy can pass under my wife's watch" Vihaan answer as he came back after putting Samara to sleep.

"Right. No one can mess with her" Neil laughs. It's true though. I'm little calm only because I know Sharvari skills in handling assholes.

"I still can't believe they left us to have fun on their own" Vihaan complains

"Me too" I agree

"Stop whining. They deserve some time alone" Shivansh states still looking at his phone.

I look at him and think about asking him who he followed that day. Nowadays he is behaving a little strange. I can't pinpoint exactly but it's like he got an interest in something or rather someone. My trail of thoughts come to halt when I see Shivika calling me. I instantly pick up expecting thousand different situations.

"Aru..." she starts

"Shivi? What happened?" I ask panic lacing my voice

"Umm...Can you come here?.....There is a....situation" she speaks

"What situation?" I'm on my feet now with Vihaan looking at me

"Dhara and Sharvari are drunk. I don't know what to do" she exhales defeatedly

"WHAT? How did this happen? You know what just stay there. I'm coming" I cut the call and search for my keys.

"What happened?" Vihaan asks

"Your wife and Dhara are drunk and Shivi is worried what to do. I'm going to pick them" I answer before moving outside.

"I'm coming with you. Neil stay with Samara" Vihaan calls as he slides inside my car. I sped up my car and broke way too many signals to reach there on time. The guards instantly recognize us and they nod and let us in. We search the crowd before noticing Shivi waving toward their booth.

MY REDEMPTION (MINE SERIES #2)Where stories live. Discover now