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I blink my eyes open slowly and notice I'm in a room

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I blink my eyes open slowly and notice I'm in a room. I frown wondering how did I end up being in a room. I try to remember what happened when suddenly the reality hits me. He is here.

"Dhara? Are you okay?" Sharvari asks sitting beside my bed.

"Yes I'm okay." I reply feeling worried about my situation. Did she know?

"How did you faint? Are you sick?" she asks me worriedly.

I look at her face and instant guilt hits me. How can I tell her that seeing the person who destroyed my life gave me the sudden shock. I don't want to lie to her but how can I explain my past to her. I think Arush didn't tell anyone about me that's why she is asking me.

"No. I'm good. I just didn't sleep well last night. That must be it." I say trying to supress my emotions.

"Sharvari you should go now. Your medicine time is coming. You have to eat something." Vihaan says holding Sharvari shoulder.

"Yeah you should go. I'm fine now." I assure her.

"Okay. You can go home now and you can if you want take a leave for tomorrow. Take care." Sharvari left with Vihaan closing the door.

I get up and drink water. My throat is dry as desert. I close my eyes as I try to supress my growing ache in my heart. Deep breaths Dhara. The door suddenly opens forcefully and a shadow loom over my head.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I hear his harsh words before I meet his eyes. As soon as I look into his brown eyes I instantly regret looking up. The eyes that held love and warmth for me earlier now holds hate and disdain for me. He is looking at me like I betrayed him when the truth is just opposite.

"I work here." I manage to say without breaking down.

"Work? Or are you here looking for me so that I'll take you back." He sneers.

I was taken back by his harsh words momentarily but then I regain my composure and instant fury runs through my veins.

"You take me back? Snap out of your delusional world Arush. The world doesn't revolve around you. And I had no idea that you also work here. If you remember you never told me about your true identity." I throw my words out at him.

"You'll not work here. Resign immediately." He says gritting his teeth.

"I don't work for you so you are in no power to order me. If you so much problem with me working here then you can surely talk with Sharvari." I answer back.

"You know very well that I can't tell them about you. Sharvari will be upset when she will learn about your true self." His words make me flinch. My true self? When did I ever pretend with him? I want to ask him but refrain myself. This must be one of his mind games and I refuse to be his toy again.

"I don't care about your opinions. I work here and continue to work here unless and until my boss will fire me personally." I deliver my words with my remaining courage and leave the room. The walk from that room to the play way was blurred. I pick Kiaan from his class and instantly hail a cab. Kiaan was talking about something but I was just staring outside of the window.

MY REDEMPTION (MINE SERIES #2)Where stories live. Discover now