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I opened my eyes to see my alarm ringing constantly. I jerked up instantly to rush for the office only to realise today is Sunday. I fell off on my pillow and exhaled quietly. I still have time to complete my sleep.

It had been a hectic week since Sharvari took her leave. Now with her gone all the responsibilities had fallen on me as she trusted me with all the work. Though I'm grateful to her beyond words but at the end of the day I was left drained to my bone. Vihaan was also on leave so his share of work has fallen on Arush. His condition was no better than mine but he pulled off easily as he is already accustomed to it.

I recalled the day when I found Arush on the brink of severe headache. He looked awful and in so much pain that it hurt me. I knew how bad his headache could get as I used to massage his head back then. Though I couldn't do that anymore now so I prepared him the drink. I knew about that drink because Kiaan often faced these headaches. My doctor had told me this was hereditary. As if I didn't knew already. My son is exact replica of his father.

I waved my fingers through Kiaan hair who was sleeping beside me. I'm not able to spend much time these days with him and the fact upset me. I know I'm doing this job only for my baby but it still feel bad that I'm not getting much time with him. Hence I decided I'll spend my whole day with him today.

I slept for some time and finally get up at 9. I take a relaxing shower and wash my hair properly. I didn't pay enough attention to my hair and now they are knotted like hell. Finally I dress up in my cozy pyjamas and move to the hall to see Kiaan is already awake.

"Pumpkin did you wash your teeth?" I ask moving towards his sofa.

"I'm going to." He answers absent-mindedly.

"Get up. I have a surprise for you today." That gets his attention as he run towards the bathroom. I help him in bathing and getting dressed. I notice his clothes are getting short. I think I have to buy new outfits for him.

I make pancakes for him as he loves those. I make some for myself too. We both sit on the couch and eat while talking.

"Where are we going?" he asks after finishing up his breakfast.

"I was thinking about play zone. Ishaan is also joining us there." I answer washing dishes.

"Yeah!!" he squeals jumping.

We both leave the house few minutes later and I already booked the cab so it was waiting outside. Kiaan is so excited that he is literally bouncing. I smile seeing him this happy.

"Mama I'll play all the games." He speaks.

"Sure pumpkin. Whatever you want." I ruffle his hair.

After half an hour, we are finally at our location. I get out with Kiaan in my arms and pay the driver his amount. We enter the huge mall but I didn't see Ishaan here yet. I text him to ask where is he and he replied that he will be here in 10 minutes.

MY REDEMPTION (MINE SERIES #2)Where stories live. Discover now