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Five days

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Five days.

It's been five days since I last encountered Arush and after that I didn't even meet him once. Surprisingly he stopped calling me out for every minor work or giving me task just to annoy me further. Sharavri is also not coming as she is taking complete bedrest. At first I thought Arush will take advantage of her absence and make my life even more problematic but reverse happened.

My phone starts ringing and I see SHARVARI flashing on the screen.

"Hey Dhara! How are you doing?" she asks

"I'm good. What about you?"

"Don't ask. It's like I'm getting huge day by day." She huffs

"I can understand. It will be over soon and then you'll miss this."

"I hope so. Well I called you to ask if you can bring me my blue file you prepared."

"Yeah sure. Just send me your address."

"Don't worry. Arush will take you here. See you soon." Before I can say anything the line goes dead.

I bury my face in my hand as I prepare myself to face him again. I think my good time is over. I'm sure he is going to torment for the entire ride. I go to his floor and knock on the door.

"Come in." he yells and I flinch. Great! His mood is already sour.

"Umm...Sharvari asked me to come to her house. She said you'll take." I mumble holding my dupatta in a tight grip.

"Wait in the garage. I'm coming" he replies without looking up once. I don't know why but it hurts. I do as he says and waited for him in the garage. He came after 10 min and go straight to his fancy car. I stare at him as something old hits me. I still remember sitting behind him on his bike.

"Get in." he orders honking his horn. I open the door and step inside into his car. We drive in silence as neither of us has anything to say. I look outside the window as I see people moving in their daily life. Thankfully its Saturday so I don't have to worry about Kiaan.

After some time we finally arrived at his house. I step out and look at the huge masterpiece in front of my eyes. It's fabulous. I notice him entering inside and I follow him like a puppy.

"Sharvari is upstairs in the north wing." He instructs me before going in the opposite direction. He is avoiding me like I'm a plague. I make my way upstairs and see at least 10 rooms in the north wing. That asshole couldn't even tell me the exact room.

I start checking every room but see some light coming from one in the middle. I knock on the door and hears Sharvari voice from inside.

"Oh! You are here." She beams as I sit on the chair.

"Your room is lovely." I say looking around her room.

"Thanks sweetie."

"Here is your file" I handle her the file as we both start discussing the matter. We take a break as Sharvari starts yawning.

MY REDEMPTION (MINE SERIES #2)Where stories live. Discover now