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I didn't sleep

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I didn't sleep.

I couldn't sleep.

Not even for a single second since I saw her with her son. Her son who resembles like me little too much. I loved that kid when I first met him but now that I know he is her son I'm feeling extremely different emotions. When I learnt about Dhara's kid and then saw her with Ishaan I thought he must be the father. But I was wrong because I remember Kiaan once told me that he has no father. He wouldn't say this if Ishaan is his father, right? My mind is fucked up with millions of questions going through my mind and only one person can answer.

I go to the office early today so that I can talk with her but she didn't come. I waited for her long time but she never showed up. I finally asked her co-workers and they informed me Sharvari called her at home. Now I feel more furious that I wasted my time here when I could have met her at my place.

I dash out of my office and drive my car at full speed to reach home. I have to ask her about everything because I can't control my restlessness anymore. I enter my house hoping to see her but she was nowhere.

"Is Dhara here?" I ask Vihaan who is cradling his daughter. I swear never in my wildest dreams I had thought to see my brother this happy with a kid. But now he looks like he found his eternal peace.

"Yes. But she has gone to NGO with Shiv. They must be coming back soon." He says before he goes back to playing with his baby. He tickles her belly and Samara giggles. She is the most beautiful baby and I couldn't help but smile when she looks at me with her big eyes.

I thought to go to NGO by myself but think better of it. They are already coming back so there is no use to go there. I was waiting in the hallway when I hear her voice. I waste no time when I see her crossing the hallway and pull her straight into my room. She was about to shout but I put my hands on her mouth. Her eyes go wide but when she sees me her body relaxes.

"What are you doing?" she whispers when I remove my hands. Having her this close to me feels like going back to your safe haven. I'm getting lost in her all over again.

"I need answers Dhara." I take a step back even if my heart yearns to be close to her.

"What answers?" she asks confused.

"Who is Kiaan's father?" I ask her and saw how her expression hardened.

"Why are you asking something you already know?" she reply furiously

"How can I know?"

"Are you kidding me Arush? Are you seriously going to play victim card?" her anger is getting high now.

"What are you saying? I don't know anything."

"Oh really? So you don't know that Kiaan is your son?" she yells and I froze. My son. I was right. The feeling I had when since yesterday was true.

"Why didn't you tell me about him?" Now it's my turn to get mad. How dare she hide this from me?

"Didn't tell you? I freaking called you Arush. And you know what you said?"

MY REDEMPTION (MINE SERIES #2)Where stories live. Discover now