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To say my life is being good would be an understatement

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To say my life is being good would be an understatement. It's fucking fantastic. And reason for that is none other than the woman standing beside me.

"Arush I'm getting restless now. Please open my blindfold" she pouts

"Patience baby. You trust me?" I lock my hand with hers

"With my life" she answers instantly.

We have come a long way in building back her trust again. I know it was difficult for her to be vulnerable with me again after what happened last time but we give each other time. I never bugged her about our future until she felt completely at ease with me. The last three months were crucial for us but in the end, we came out stronger. Our son played a huge role in this.

"Careful there" I guide her to the place where I planned the surprise. She doesn't know anything about this and I just hope this will go well.

"Woah! Why are you lifting me?" she shrieks as I climb with her inside hot air balloon.

I remember Dhara telling me one time how much she wants to ride a hot air balloon. I decided then and there that I'll fulfil her wish one day. And what perfect day would it be than today?

"Okay now open your eyes" I remove her blindfold as we rise in the air.

"OH MY SWEET LORD!! We are in the air" her happy squeals made me laugh.

"You happy?"

"Are you kidding me? This was my childhood dream. I'm practically living my dream right now" she looks around with a big smile on her face.

"I'm happy you like it" my eyes are solely fixed on her

"Thank you so much Arush." she attacks me with her hug and we both stay like that for a while.

"I'll complete your every dream every wish. You just have to name it"

"Stop rubbing your richness now" she swats my chest lightly.

She continues watching the view and clicking pictures while I just admire my view. Her. I can't count the number of times I have fallen for this girl. Every day I wake up I love her little more than before. There is no limit for the love I have for her.

I take deep breaths and prepare myself. I know she loves me but somehow, I'm still nervous. I practise my speech thousands of times but now it feels like I know nothing.

"Dhara." I say going down on my knee as she turns.

"Arush—" her eyes go wide.

"Please just let me say it. I'm already panicking enough. Just listen to me. okay?" she nods her head and I clear my throat.

"Dhara. Ma fraise. You are the love that came without warning. You had my heart before I could say no. My heart is not captured easily. I was never interested in small talk, disillusioned with love and too focused on my dreams and aspirations to lend anybody my attention for long. But somehow you cracked down my every wall. I never thought I would fall for a girl working in a library but life is full of surprises. I think some people are just inexplicably bonded. Drawn by forces beyond their own comprehension, they have no choice but to gravitate toward one another. Destined by fate to keep crossing paths until they finally get it right. We are those people." a sob escapes her throat as she muffles it with her palm. I swallow before continuing.

MY REDEMPTION (MINE SERIES #2)Where stories live. Discover now