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  I close my last file and exhale loudly thanking god that finally today's hectic day is finally over

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  I close my last file and exhale loudly thanking god that finally today's hectic day is finally over. I twist my neck clockwise and groans lightly. Every muscle in my body is tight with exhaustion and there is nothing more I crave than a hot bath. But that have to wait a little further as I already have plans.

I shut down my system and organize my desk before picking up my purse. I check around and see that everyone has already gone as it's Saturday. I would have gone too if not for this urgent task that popped out of nowhere. Thanks to Ishaan that I don't have to worry about Kiaan as he is with him.

I get inside the elevator and pushed the button for ground floor. I was leaning against the mirror when the door opens and Arush steps in. Our eyes met and instantly my inside did some weird thing. Before things get awkward I avert my gaze but he stood beside me.

"Long day?" he ask

"Yeah. Just couple of urgent tasks" I reply

"Its getting late. I will drop you" he says when we both exit the elevator.

"Umm..No thanks. I have to go somewhere else." I answer smiling politely.

"This time? What about Kiaan?" he frowns.

"He will be there."

"Can I ask where are you going?" he ask carefully

"I'm going to a new family restaurant that recently opened. Ishaan will meet me there with Kiaan" I answer and his expression instantly falls. That's why I wasn't telling him but I know he would have asked me anyway. The truth is these days I'm not giving Ishaan enough time and I felt guilty about that. I don't want him to think that now Arush is in the picture, his worth is less. So I made plan for today. And now seeing Arush I'm feeling conflicted again.

"So you are going on family dinner. With Ishaan" his jaw clenches

"Yes. Are you okay?"

"Yes totally. My son and his mother is going have a family dinner with another man. Why should I feel anything?" he clutches his neck tightly.

"Arush please. You know how much Ishaan has done for me and Kiaan. And he never asked for anything in return. And this was my idea because I want to spend time with him. You can't behave like this forever. You have to accept Ishaan's presence in my life and Kiaan's too" I told her calmly but his face shows anger now.

"His presence in your life? Are you so sure about him that you already had envisioned your future with him. If yes then you're are mistaken that I would let that happen. If there is any man in your future then it's only me. You and I. We are meant for each other" he declares like he has already seen our future.

"Arush...." I try to say something but his finger brushes my lips and now he is standing too close.

"Shh...I know baby what you are doing. You are trying delude yourself into thinking that you have feelings for Ishaan when in reality it's bullshit. You're denying our connection thinking it'll fade away but it won't. The more you run the faster I'll chase you" he whispers near my ear and I feel goosebumps rising on my skin.

MY REDEMPTION (MINE SERIES #2)Where stories live. Discover now