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The French music is playing melodiously as a man got on his knees to propose his girl in front of the Eiffel Tower

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The French music is playing melodiously as a man got on his knees to propose his girl in front of the Eiffel Tower. There are people standing in a circle cheering for them as the girl accepted his proposal and they start making out. I stand there for few moment then start moving towards my hotel.

As I was walking my mind starts replaying my past. There was a time when I foolishly believe in love and happily ever after but my entire thought process changed just by one person. Her. I can't even fathom thinking about her without pain starting in my heart. I open my suite door as I lay down on my bed staring blankly. Memories never leave. Some haunt you while some heal you. Mine is surely haunting me. I close my eyes only to see her face. This is the reason I don't go outside here. Everyone is happy and in love here. Though I don't have hard feelings for those who got their love but I still feel slightly envious. And all these things trigger my mind to go backwards.


It's been almost a month and half for me being here. Initially I thought I'll go back in a week but then my meeting with the businessman here goes well so I have to stay longer for upcoming meetings with him. But now I'm finally going back to my country. I already missed my family so much. I board my flight after reaching the airport.

After the awful long flight I'm finally back in my city. I move outside and absorb the hectic lives around me. Paris was beautiful with quietness but nothing compares being back to one's own country. I see my driver waiting by my car. He takes my luggage and I go sit inside the car.

"Take me to the office directly." I instruct him. I already know Vihaan and Sharvari will be in the office. And plus I have to give some important papers to my manager. I see outside my window as I see people engaged in their daily lives. Some time later we reach the office and I go inside the elevator.

"Good afternoon sir." Our office guard stands up seeing me.

"Good afternoon Sultan." I nod at him before going to my floor.

I make way towards my office as everyone stands to greets me. I smile at each of them politely as I go and sit in my chair. Soon my manager comes inside my office.

"Hello Sir. Good to see you back." He says nodding at me.

"Here are the papers for the deal that I discussed with you earlier. And please send Chloe on your way out." I say dismissing him.

"Sir but Chloe is on leave. I thought she told you." he reply.

"Oh yes. Sorry I forgot." It slips out of my mind that my assistant is on leave. How the hell I'm going to manage my schedule now. He left after taking the papers. I go inside the elevator to go to the top floor. I have to talk with my brother and I know he will be in his wife's office.

I knock on Sharvari office door. One time I enter without knocking only to witness my brother eating my sister-in-law face. Since then I never enter without knocking. It was already sickening for me.

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