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"Your culprits ma fraise" he says that so easily like he doesn't just hold three men with multiple wounds hostages inside our office building

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"Your culprits ma fraise" he says that so easily like he doesn't just hold three men with multiple wounds hostages inside our office building. My mouth is open but no words are forming. I finally close it and look at the three men who are shaking by teeth. I recognize them instantly. They were the people who told me about Arush's reality and mocked me. I clutch my hands tightly as the memories from that day floods my brain.

"What are you doing?" I whisper.

"They have a few confessions to make." He replies softly.

"I don't want any confessions Arush. Let me go." I turn to leave but he catches my wrist.

"Please. Just 5 minutes" he pleads and again I'm unable to refuse. I cross my arms on my chest so he doesn't notice me shaking. I stand there and he orders them to start.

All of them limp towards us and when they reach me they get on their knees and join their hands.

"I'm sorry Dhara. We lied to you" one of them cries

"Forgive me please. We shouldn't have lied to you" another joins

"What lies?" I hear myself asking

"That you were just a fling for Arush and he left you. We shouldn't have lied to you and mocked you. Please forgive us. We don't want to die" the third one says.

"Your job is done." Arush says before someone from the shadow emerges and takes all of them out of the room. I was still reeling from what they said that I didn't notice Shivansh was the one who took them away. Now there is only Arush and me in this room.

"Dhara" I snap out of my daze when I sense Arush's hand on my shoulder. I take one step back and his hand falls so does his expression.

"I know that you wouldn't believe my words so I tracked down them. Are you happy?" he ask

"Happy? You think I will be happy seeing them beaten up and begging me. No Arush I'm not happy. Why did you torture them?" I snap

"Because they hurt you" he admits

"Oh you didn't? They may have lied about those things but they didn't lie about your identity. That was all you. What are you trying to prove Arush?"

"Listen to me Dhara. Just once listen to me. Give me a chance to explain myself. Please" he looks so desperate right now.

"Go on" I nod

"I fell for you when I first saw you in that library. I just wanted to talk with you so I started coming daily. I didn't want to lie but when you asked about my studies I had to say I study there because any other reason would have sounded absurd. And then you told me how you dislike those rich students so I hid my identity. I wanted to tell you everything but was so afraid of losing you. I waited for you to feel same for me but the day you confessed was so special that I didn't remember anything else. I left that morning because there was an emergency back home and on my way back I met an accident. I was unconscious for two weeks and my phone was also destroyed. I couldn't contact you because I had no source. When I got better I returned to you but then I saw all that in your dorm room. Seeing you with Ishaan broke me apart. I couldn't face you thinking you'll break my heart with your words saying you don't love me. So I ran away. I wanted to hate you for your betrayal but ended up hating myself. I started drowning my pain in alcohol and when you called me that day to tell me about baby I was so drunk that I didn't remember anything. I thought I saw a dream of you calling me because in reality why would you ever call me. I swear Dhara I never intended to hurt you. if I had any idea about what was going on I would have came to you. I'm so sorry I failed you." he finished the last word with his voice breaking.

MY REDEMPTION (MINE SERIES #2)Where stories live. Discover now