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What an asshole

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What an asshole.

I walk out of Arush office, gripping the documents tightly. Who does he think he is? A God? I can't believe the audacity of this man. Firstly he told me to review a 100 page document and print it and then he rejected it saying the font is not right and I should rewrite it again. I spent three days on that documents and he just dismissed it so casually.

Its been a week since Sharvari told me that I have to work for Arush as his assistant was on leave. My first instinct was to decline the offer but when she told me that Arush really needs help and he will pay me extra I couldn't say no. Truth is I don't give a damn about Arush but I need that extra pay. It will help me find some apartment nearby so I can finally move out of that awful place.

I go back to my floor to work on my anger. Every time he orders me I just think to punch him square in the face or better yet to push him off from the terrace. But these are all my nice fantasies. I can't do anything like this in reality though it does feel good to imagine.

"Dhara?" I look up to see Sharvari standing.

"Yes." I answer.

"Are you alright? You just look like that you want to smash someone head with a hammer."

"Umm...I'm good. It maybe just stress." I try to smile.

"Is Arush giving you a trouble?" she asks with a raised brow. I wish I could tell her about his atrocities but that will only complicate matters.

"No. He just have lot to do so I'm also busy helping her." I reply.

"If he gives you any trouble then you come to me. Okay?"

"Okay" I smile gratefully.

"How about we go and grab some lunch. I heard there is a nice restaurant nearby." She waggles her eyes.

"Are you sure?" I say looking at her belly.

"Yeah I'm sure. Now get up." She drags me by my hand as I laugh.

We both decided to walk as the restaurant is not that far. As we enter the place the instant aroma of Indian spices hits my nose. The waiter takes us to our table that overlooks the streets. Just as we sit Sharvari phone starts ringing.

"I'm with Dhara..... Don't worry I'm fine.... Calm down Vihaan.....I'll be back in some time and don't you dare come here." She says sternly before cutting the call.

"He cares about you." I smile as she huffs.

"Yes but he is overly caring nowadays. I know he wants me comfortable but it annoys me sometimes." she whines.

"You two seem to be long time lovers." I say and she starts laughing.

"Lovers? We were enemies when we got married. There wasn't a time when we both didn't gave each other hard time but the destiny had something else written for us. Soon our hate turned into love and now here we are." She sighs dreamily.

MY REDEMPTION (MINE SERIES #2)Where stories live. Discover now