Chapter Thirty-three

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"I guess everyone here already knows the reason behind this press conference, and if you don't, then let me tell you myself.

This is to bring out the truth, the actual truth about my past and not let the false information spread out all over the news and social media."

Before I could speak any further, a reporter rose from his seat and tried to speak something. But before he could get a word out, one of the security took the mic from him, and Namjoon from me.

"I think Bang PD Nim here made it clear that we will not accept any questions till we're done speaking. Kindly respect our requests and let us speak." He spoke and then passed me the mic.

"Ok so let me get this started. I was a kid when my father passed away. Cause of his death? Heart attack. Which wasn't a natural heart attack but one caused by some drugs.

His death was the perfect opportunity for my mother to push me into the black hole of prostitution. I was forced into it when I had no clue or understanding of what was even happening.

It took me years of sneaking on her to find out that it wasn't just me, but it was a whole racket that was being run by my egg donor and a partner of hers.

I eventually started collecting evidence on her and when I was finally of legal age, I submitted all the evidence to the police and ran away from there.

I moved to Korea because I received a scholarship from a university here to complete my further studies. And ever since, I've been here. I completed my studies, after which I was offered a job at BigHit.

When I started, I had no clue that Bang Si-Hyuk here was related to my father in any way, or I had no idea that one day I'd be the girlfriend of one of the members of BTS.

I eventually found out about my father's life before I was born, which led to me finding out about the connection between him and PD Nim.

And as for Namjoon, it happened gradually. We first became friends. We shared very similar interests, like our love for nature, our love for books, our love for biking, our love for music, and so on.

Our friendship grew, which turned into love for each other. We had our ups and downs, like every couple has. But our love for each other always won in the end.

So yeah, that was it. I don't know who gave all that false information to the press about my past, but this right here, what I've spoken, is what the truth is.

Now you call all go ahead with your questions, which I know you all have a lot to ask. So please, go ahead, but my only sincere request is for you all to respect us, and before you ask something, understand the fact that we're also human beings and have feelings and emotions." I finished speaking, and Joon was on my side in no time, engulfing me in a hug.

The conference hall was filled with murmurs for quite a while, after which they slowly started asking their questions.

"Miss Y/N, why do you think anyone will believe your words and that whatever you're speaking is the truth?" Asked a reporter.

"Well, you all did believe it when some anonymous person told you some false bullshit, but you find it difficult to believe it when it's coming right from the person who experienced it first-hand?" I questioned back which made him shut his mouth.

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