The Forest House I

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Vel had been walking for what felt like an eternity but was likely closer to thirty minutes. The Forest House was a labyrinth of rooms and hallways, each of them looking perfectly identical to what came before. Who even had decided to call it a 'House' when it was clearly a maze made out of stone and wood? She was working hard to create a mental map of the building, while also doing her best not to trip over her robe.

Eris led the way a few steps ahead, hands behind his back, completely unconcerned with her struggle. He'd been quiet ever since their small exchange in the carriage, only bothering with the minimal courtesies of introducing her to the rest of the court. It was as if he became uninterested in what she had to offer after finding out she was not some all-knowing divine being.

On the other hand, Beron had been surprisingly agreeable during the introductions and throughout dinner. The change in personality from the surly, paranoid High Lord she knew was so abrupt it had given her whiplash. Even Eris, who sat across from her, to the right of his father, seemed slightly unnerved.

Regardless of Beron's uncanny good mood, dinner had gone swimmingly. Vel got the chance to meet the Lady of the Autumn Court, a beautiful High Fae female with auburn hair, porcelain skin, and russet eyes. She talked little during dinner, but her voice was as sweet as sun-warmed apples. Unfortunately, she sat at the other head of the table so it had been difficult for Vel to do more than exchange pleasantries. The other six Vanserra brothers were as lively as she'd expected them to be. She noted how they stared at Eris with deference and calculation - and fear. All except the youngest, who seemed entirely uninterested in whatever stories his brothers were busy spinning. As dinner was served Vel only managed to half pay attention to everything going on around her. The food had been absolutely divine, a stark contrast to her own cooking.

Daydreaming about dinner, Vel almost walked into Eris who had stopped in front of a dark oak door. He ignored the fact that she was standing awkwardly close and opened the door, motioning for her to enter. "This is the guest room, I hope it is to your liking."

She stepped inside. The 'guest room' was almost the size of her entire home. The double doors opened into a lounge area with four leather sofas and a low table in the middle. A massive rug covered most of the wooden flooring, giving the room a homely feeling despite dark colors and the tall ceiling. An imposing fireplace stood to her right, flanked by massive bookcases with rolling ladders. Two plush armchairs that looked incredibly comfortable sat in front of the fireplace. Across the room was an ornate window with a solid desk and an elegantly sculpted chair in front of it. On the left side was a door that she assumed opened to the washing room, and a set of stairs that likely led to a sleeping room.

Interestingly enough, there was no balcony. There was presumably no way to leave this room other than the door they had just walked through. A security measure in a paranoid court.

When she didn't respond, Eris continued. "Additional garments have been prepared for you, should you desire them. If you need anything, my room is back the way we came, first door on the left. We will send for you tomorrow after breakfast." He turned on his heels and made to leave.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Heir of Fire." He looked at her over his shoulder, his hand hesitating on the door. She had only said that to see if it would spark a reaction. Vel was not happy with how distant he'd suddenly become, she needed someone an ally in this court and he seemed like the likeliest candidate. But Eris simply hummed some non-committal response and left, closing the door behind him.

Vel resisted pulling at her hair, which was neatly braided into a bun underneath her hood and instead went to stare out the window as the colors of the forest darkened. She needed to take care of the chill that had seeped into her bones. She snapped her fingers and the fire in the hearth came to life. All the candles in the room followed shortly after. She felt the beginning of a headache forming in the back of her skull, from Eris, or Beron, or this whole strange situation, she wasn't entirely certain.

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