The Queen's Court I

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Vel was the last to return to the meeting chamber atop the palace. She had considered not going at all. Let the High Lords figure out the alliance themselves. They didn't need hand-holding. But a servant knocked on her door just as she racked her brain for an excuse. As if Thesan had known she would try to bail.

As she passed through the wisteria-draped archway, Vel took in the empty chairs. Now that Beron was gone, everyone was more spread out around the reflection pool. She opted to take a seat between Cassian and Helion, but as far away from Azriel as possible. The bridge between her and the Night Court still needed mending. With war looming over the horizon there wouldn't be many opportunities left for it.

Vel realized her mistake the moment she plopped down into the chair. Cassian's nostrils flared and he gave her the biggest shit-eating grin she'd ever seen.

"My, Vel, what an interesting scent you have about you. Pray tell, who was the lucky male ... or female," Cassian whispered. Only, it was loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. Thesan loosened a long-suffering sigh.

Helion's booming laugh made the water in the reflection pool tremble. "If only I had known. I would have invited you and your partner to join us." His eyes slid from her to Mor and Vel gave her friend a pleading look. Mor only shook her head in sympathetic resignation. At least Azriel hadn't told them. That had to count for something, even as she felt the shadowsinger glower in her general direction.

"I do believe who the Oracle decides to bed is none of our business," Thesan attempted.

Helion was having none of it, "But it is in our best interest to know which court the Oracle favors. We wouldn't want her neutrality to be compromised."

Kallias and Tarquin suddenly seemed interested in the conversation. The High Lord of Day was grinning down at her like a cat with a mouse. It was enough to make Cassian throw her an apologetic look.

Helion's attention suddenly turned to Thesan. "I bet your little birds saw something, Thesan. Are you trying to keep the knowledge for yourself? Is it why you're trying to steer this conversation away? Or is it someone from your court?"

A sharp pain pierced her skull. It was bad enough to make her eyes water. She knew it had nothing to do with Helion's bullying when Nesta surged from her chair and almost stumbled into the reflection pool.

"What's wrong?" Mor demanded.

"Something—" The word was cut off by a low groan.

Vel fell to her knees, clutching her head in her hands. Despite the posturing, Helion was immediately at her side, kneeling, his mask instantly gone. He placed a large warm hand on her back.

From far away, she heard Nesta emptying the contents of her stomach into the reflection pool. Words she couldn't hear. Images flashed in front of her eyes. Blurry glimpses of the future that she couldn't make out. Then darkness, open, gaping darkness like the maw of a great beast.

"Something is wrong. Not with me. Not me." Nesta's voice came from another world. A place that was warm and joyful and worth protecting. Nothing like the cold darkness and endless despair she found herself in.

"The Cauldron." Vel managed to rasp. The voice that came out didn't sound like her.

Slowly, colors came back into view as if whatever had grasped her had loosened its grip. Vel was back in the Dawn palace, though her vision was hazy. She didn't have the chance to loosen the breath she had been holding because a moment later, a shudder swept the earth. Vel felt it in her bones, in her soul, in the air and the water and the green and living things of Prythian. The island itself trembled underneath their feet in fear.

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