The Court of No Returns

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"I wasn't sure whether you were still coming." Against my better judgment, I was already on my third glass of Firewhiskey.

There was a flash of light. Where the owl had once perched on the window sill now sat the most lovely female I'd ever laid eyes upon.

"It would have been impossible to refuse such a romantic request. 'Join me tonight'? How utterly charming of you." Vel grinned impishly, crossing her bare legs only inches away from my face. The too-short nightgown – must have been some Solar Court fashion – rode up, exposing the entirety of her delicate thighs.

I almost choked on my drink, scrambling to make excuses.

"Your wards were down. I didn't want to risk some stray Hybern soldier stumbling upon my romantic letters for you."

"Oh, so that's why you didn't sign your name. I was having some doubts — which of my many lovers would be so brazen." She hopped off the window sill. The silken material slid down her shoulder, taunting me.

Vel knew exactly what she was doing to me and she took such endless joy in it that I wouldn't have stopped it for the world. Although it felt like dying of thirst next to a raging river.

"You fiend."

It was the only thing my addled mind could conjure up. And she sauntered over, hips swaying, still grinning from ear to ear like a fox as she sat astride me.

I could only see her, could only think of her. I don't even recall when I'd set my glass down. But my fingers were instantly on the soft flesh of her thighs, and my lips on that sinfully exposed shoulder, tracing her collarbone.

I'd called her here to tell her that my father would not be joining the war. That I'd already split the army. Those loyal to me, the bulk of the Autumn Court forces will be on that battlefield tomorrow, of their own volition. But even if we win, there won't be a court for us to come back to.

All of that was forgotten in the moment, as she placed her palms on either side of my face and kissed me with all her might.

I had to pull away, despite how my heart screamed at me to return, despite how the blood rushed away from my brain. But I had to look into her eyes as I said, "It's not our last kiss, love."

Vel rested her forehead on mine. Her cool skin tempered my boiling blood.

"What if it is?"

"It is not." I brushed my thumb over her cheek and she watched me with those hypnotizing eyes. Looking for confirmation in my soul. As if our roles were reversed and I was the Oracle.

The words came out of my mouth before I could stop them, "When this war is over and done ... I want you to marry me. Then I can promise you that tonight is not our last. Because I will always make my way back to you. No matter what."

Vel smiled so brightly, so genuinely. My heart felt like it had grown tenfold in my chest. To make room for all my love for her, maybe.

"If we both make it out alive, I will marry you Eris Vanserra."

"Not if, but when." I felt the mark of our bargain around my finger before the words were even out of my mouth.

Then I pulled her down into another kiss and another and another. And I made love to her not as if it might be our last night together, but as if it could be the first night of our union.

I realize how selfish a thing it was for me to steal that promise from her. I will be a male without a court, a disgraced heir, a traitor. I will have nothing to my name and nothing to offer her.

A Court of Flame & Shadow - Eris x OCWhere stories live. Discover now