The Summer Solstice II

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Author's Note: Sorry for the slow updates, work has me in a chokehold (and not the sexy kind) but I promise I will finish the story no matter what because I hate it when I get invested in other people's work and then they drop off the face of the earth.


"I ... ah ... I was actually trying to get you away from prying ears to ask why you never told me about your Day Court powers." In the dim light of the fireflies, Vel saw the color drain from his face.

"You knew? Since when?"

"Since I gave you that little kernel of magic when we were running away from your brothers." She'd felt it then, how it resonated with something in his blood, something so close to an heir's power. At first, she'd thought perhaps it had been due to his Autumn heritage, but the kernel hadn't burned, it had glowed. And she had been sure of it when Lucien had looked at her as if he could see through her glamour – because he could. Glamours and wards meant nothing to an heir of the Day Court.

Lucien was quiet, not even breathing. Their faces were still an inch apart and he seemed to realize that because he untangled his arms from around her and took a step back.

"It's not like it ever came up in conversation. And I wouldn't know what to say either way." Vel was silent, urging him to go on. "The powers surfaced in my youth. When the fire came out so did the light. My mother was terrified. She told me that under no circumstance was I ever to show anyone the light. She taught me how to hide any outbursts, how to mask the daylight with firelight. But the whole time there was this palpable fear that rolled off of her. So for once I properly listened to her. I've never let anyone see it."

"And she never told you who your father is?"

Lucien frowned and shook his head. "She never talked about it. My mother was always paranoid that someone was watching or listening. I assumed it wasn't Beron, and I guessed that it was somebody from the Day Court – which you have just confirmed." He considered her for a long moment. "But you didn't pull away only because you wanted to ask about my powers."

Her silence was confirmation enough.

"Is it about what you said before? That you're worried you wouldn't be able to see my future."

"Yes ... and no."

Lucien sighed deeply and ran a hand through his hair. "You're hiding things from me. Again."

How could she begin to tell him about everything she'd seen – his father, his mate, everything else that was coming?

"You know what you need to know. After everything we've been through, could you trust that I have your best interest at heart?" He nodded almost imperceptibly and his bronze mask caught the moonlight. Vel grinned in response, feeling like a weight had slid off her shoulders. She extended her hand to him. "Friends?"

He took her hand and shook it. "Friends." His voice was warm again and she didn't let go of his calloused hand.

"Have you ever wanted to fly?"

"Faerie wine finally got to your head?" Lucien teased and she laughed.

"I'm surprised you never got on Tamlin's nerves hard enough to get turned into a butterfly."

"I'd say I know when to quit, but ... " He tapped the side of the mask and his golden eye whirred. "We both know that would be a lie."

"So how about it?" There was an impish glint in her eyes.

"Whatever you're about to do, please don't leave me with a fear of heights for the rest of my life."

Vel hummed appreciatively. "The rest of your life? You're assuming you won't fall out of the sky and splatter on the grass." Lucien's face paled. "I appreciate the optimism."

A Court of Flame & Shadow - Eris x OCWhere stories live. Discover now