The Winter Court III

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Alden didn't come back that night or in the morning. The Autumn Court soldiers dismantled the camp slowly and Eris made no move to hurry them along. He was almost disappointed to discover that the wound had closed perfectly, leaving a small white scar behind, barely noticeable against his skin. Perhaps if the wound had somehow become infected Eris would have had an excuse to crawl back to him.

Lysander's voice pulled him away from his thoughts. "We got off easy, all things considered."

"Indeed." Eris surveyed the camp. There had been no casualties after all. His men were in high spirits, joking amongst each other as they brought down the tents, discussing how they planned to celebrate Yule in the Winter Court.

The silence stretched between the two brothers. There was a certain tension among them that hadn't been there before.

Eris turned to face Lysander who seemed uncharacteristically pensieve. "Spit it out."

"I'd rather not. I prefer my face unmarred." Lysander gave him an easy smile.

Eris smirked back. "I've never hurt you out of my own free will. Though gods know you've asked for it plenty of times." They were far enough from Beron and his court that the words sparked whatever small spirit of camaraderie was still between them, despite everything they'd had to do and the roles they'd had to play between the walls of the Forest House. No day passed without Eris wondering how life with his brothers would have been without their father there to pit them against each other.

"Vel is not coming back. There's no point in lingering here."

Eris's eyes narrowed. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Lysander rolled his eyes haughtily. "I am trying not to be hurt by the fact that you think I'm an imbecile. I'm finding it quite difficult right now." He placed his hand over his heart dramatically. "I am emissary to the Autumn Court for a reason after all. I know people. And no matter how much you huff and puff, I know you better than you give me credit for, brother."

Eris clasped his hands behind his back in a gesture meant to be aloof. His nails dug painfully into his wrist. It kept him grounded, kept any other tells at bay. His face was a mask of indifference as he regarded Lysander coldly.

"And what pray, do you think you know, dear brother?" They were toeing a dangerous line. How far would he go to protect a female that wanted nothing to do with him? Not just any female. His mate.

"Only a thing or two." Lysander examined his nails nonchalantly, but when he looked back up his brown eyes were sharp.

"You were distinctly agitated during the Oracle's visit all those years ago," he began, his voice measured. "It could have been for a multitude of reasons, of course. Perhaps you suspected her of spying, or maybe you feared she would augur something that would finally prompt our father to kill you. Most likely, you were too engrossed in some scheme to notice much else. Whatever the case, it seemed inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. That is, until she left.

"Did you know Nyoka had a half-sister she brought with her to court? A naive soul, she worked in the kitchens, rendering her of little use to me as a spy. Nyoka never confided in her. I later realized it was to protect her. Not from you—rumor has it she harbored feelings for you. I doubt that would have been the case if she believed you would harm her sister. No, she was safeguarding her from someone far more dangerous than either of us. Then, the night the Oracle disappeared, Nyoka wept. Her sister didn't understand why, but Nyoka confessed to feeling guilty about something. And then, a week later, when you returned from your border patrol, Nyoka was gone. Just like that – poof. Her sister was hysterical. She swore Nyoka would never have left without her."

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