The Court of Mending

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They remained in his rooms for another three nights. Mating bond or not, neither of them was wont to part with the other. Eris was content to relearn every curve and bend of her body, whether that took a month or a year was irrelevant. He had some catching up to do after all.

But on the third morning after Thesan had healed her back, as they lay in bed, eyes closed and tangled in each other's arms, Vel said, "You can't avoid your responsibilities forever, love."

"My first duty is to my wife."

"We are not married yet," she reminded him. "And we will never be if we remain cooped up in here."

"I'll send for a priestess."

"Eris." His name had never sounded sweeter than when it fell from her lips; in a breathy moan, ideally. The thought had him hard again, despite the fact that they'd both found release mere minutes before.

Vel must have sensed the shift in his scent because she repeated his name. There was a flicker of exasperation as she said it, but the rest of it was pure, wicked delight. She enjoyed her power over him too much – how one word from her could have such an instant effect, he'd never know. And he wouldn't have it any other way.

Eris lazily opened one eye to see her grinning down at him like a cat. The light of dawn seeping through the hastily-drawn curtains gilded her hair in a halo. A goddess, and her devotee.

"What do I have to do to get a lazy High Lord out of bed?" She mused as she climbed on top of him, straddling him.

Eris knew as he beheld her, why he had not drawn her bare body. It was because he could have never done her justice. He traced the dip of her waist with his hands, then each line of her supple body. She arched her back, the morning sun caressing her outline. Eris's fingers slid lower, to the delicious warmth and wetness pooling on his lower abdomen. But she grabbed his hand and pinned it above his head.

"No more sex in this bed," she purred, her sweet breath fanning over his face. "I want to get out of these rooms. I want you to take me on the throne, in the garden, amongst the musical instruments in that room you held a knife to my throat, and behind those awfully ancient Autumn Court tapestries in the hallways. In that flowered forest clearing where we hunted pheasants and between the apple trees in the orchard." Vel trailed kisses down his neck and over his chest.

"Your wish is my command, my lady. I can think of a few more places that might be of interest to you."

Her lips traveled lower and lower, down his abdomen and over his shaft. When she'd reached the hilt her head jerked up in one fluid movement, licking a trail of pleasure up to the head. He was hard as steel beneath her tongue, and as her lips finally wrapped against the tip, Eris let out a guttural moan. The sound seemed to give her pause and she let his cock slide out from between her lips.

"All of it, if" — she emphasized the word — "you are a good little High Lord. Otherwise ..." Vel let her words trail and made a show of sitting up, pulling away from him.

Eris nodded fervently. His mouth was too dry to even form the words.

Vel's nails scraped down his shaft teasingly. The movement sent goosebumps up his whole body.

"Do you promise to see to your duties after this?"

"Yes." His voice was so rough he barely recognized it.

At this she bent down again, looking up at him from under her lashes as she took the whole length into her mouth. Then she withdrew her lips to his tip and rolled her tongue around him.

"Fuck." His fingers curled in the satin sheets. He couldn't pry his eyes away from her as she worked her magic on him. Every shiver and wave of pleasure threatened to push him over the edge. Where her lips retreated, her hand followed, squeezing him just right.

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