The Garden

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Eris sat in his favorite leather chair in front of the fireplace, a glass of whiskey in his hand. He'd bathed and then he'd laid in bed staring at the ceiling. When he realized that was futile he got dressed and poured himself a drink.

Sleep had been eluding him since their guest arrived – perhaps it was due to the pressure of having a strange being staying just down the hall from him or perhaps it was her inclination to suspiciously wander the hallways at night looking for trouble. He downed his glass in one gulp, the liquid burning his insides as it slid down. He felt the fire stretch in his veins, and wrap around his heart.

Eris rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and studied the tattoo on his forearm – tawny swirling vines that wrapped and tangled together. They seemed to ebb and flow as if they were the limbs of a living, breathing creature existing underneath his skin. That morning the swirls had been cold to the touch, he'd woken up with goosebumps on his skin, an unfamiliar feeling for one with fire in his veins. When they'd made camp the tendrils seemed to be stifling him – he'd felt hot and feverish despite the chill wind. Now the same aggravating beast was tugging at him, towards what he wasn't sure. He got up and ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

The hallways were empty. The patrol had already passed by, Eris knew their schedule by heart. Considering the day they've just had, his brothers should be asleep. He too should have been asleep, but he was not. And there was someone else holding vigil. Faintly, he heard a melody like a whisper in the wind. The tug at his arm became stronger, more purposeful. He followed it towards the source of the sound.

A young man walked through the forest

With his quiver and hunting bow

He heard a young girl singing

And followed the sound below

There he found the maiden

Who lives in the willow

He called to her as she listened

From a ring of toadstools red

"Come with me, my maiden

Come from thy willow bed"

She looked at him serenely

And only shook her head

The voice was haunting and familiar and in his mind, he saw those uncanny emerald eyes that belonged to her, the golden whorls that ringed her irises. He felt goosebumps rise up his arms.

See me now, a ray of light in the moondance

See me now, I cannot leave this place

Hear me now, a strain of song in the forest

Don't ask me, to follow where you lead

The cold stone of the house should have echoed the song, but there was only the sound of his footsteps bouncing off the walls.

A young man walked through the forest

With a flower and coat of green

His love had hair like umber

Her eyes an emerald sheen

She wrapped herself in beauty

So young and so serene

He stood there under the willow

And he gave her the yellow bloom

"Girl, my heart you've captured

A Court of Flame & Shadow - Eris x OCWhere stories live. Discover now