The Queen's Court II

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Vel slept fitfully, through a haze of blurry dreams and restless thoughts. Images flickered in her mind like fragments of broken memories, elusive and fleeting. She found herself wandering through shadowed forests and open fields, her footsteps echoing in the emptiness. Faces drifted in and out of focus, their expressions inscrutable. She awoke with her heart racing, a sense of unease lingering in the air. Yet, try as she might, Vel couldn't pinpoint the source of her disquiet. It was as if a shadow had passed over her dreams, leaving behind only an echo of the emotions she had felt – fear and pain.

Whatever had terrorized her dreams was gone with the morning dew. It was a beautiful day as if nature was oblivious to the looming specter of war on the horizon.

It was strange to be back home after having spent months in the courts. Yet she welcomed the familiarity of her bed, despite the fact that it was much less luxurious than anything that could be found in any of the palaces she'd frequented.

Glynn had gone to gather his brothers. It was strange to be alone finally, after so long in the hustle and bustle of the courts. Strange and quiet, like the calm before a storm. Sitting on the bench in the garden Vel nibbled at a hard piece of cheese she'd found at the bottom of the cold box and some carrots she'd picked from the overgrown garden. The old owl arrived bearing a message written in Tarquin's curving script. The first battle of the war had taken place, and it had been decisively won. She only dared to loosen a tiny breath of relief.

There was some more information regarding prisoners and their plans for them. Rhys and Tarquin were trying to figure out where the rest of Hybern's army was hiding. When she finished reading the letter a second time the owl hooted to draw her attention.

"I haven't been here in months. I have nothing to give you," Vel responded irritably. He hooted again, this time sharper, before swooping down and stealing the forgotten block of cheese.

"Mangy bastard," she mumbled under her breath.

For a while she debated what to do next. Joining Tarquin and Rhys was an option but the fighting was already over. The mark on the back of her neck seemed to warm ever so slightly and Glynn's scratchy voice echoed in her mind. The antidote had already been downed and though her body had felt no different, that coiled beast within her seemed to purr in response, as if praising her decision. There was nothing else for her to do than resign to the role of a healer. And while she saw the wisdom of the decision, it didn't soothe her soul in any way knowing she would have to watch her friends be injured while she had to hang behind.

Vel pulled out the dagger from the scabbard around her thigh. The emerald in the hilt shone brightly in the midday sun. Would she be able to stay back knowing Eris would be fighting somewhere? Would she feel it if he was injured? Would she be able to get to him in time? Her thoughts spiraled on a dark path and suddenly she regretted not training with Cassian more. The bargain meant she couldn't use her magic to attack but she could still use weapons and let the magic defend her.

It was not the time for melancholy or should haves. To keep herself out of her head she conjured her chest of drawers and began cataloging all its contents – herbs, tinctures, powders. Then she went to work on the half-wild garden, refilling her supplies. Once magic ran out, this is what would stand between life and death for any of the injured.

Vel spent three days picking leaves and drying them, gathering flowers and crushing them, harvesting sap and nectar in tiny vials. She made potions and decoctions, her cauldron constantly simmering. There were more letters from Tarquin, each new one saying less than the previous. Nobody knew where Hybern and the rest of his army were. She grew restless enough to fly over the length of Prythian twice. There was nothing to gleam. Whatever wards Hybern had might have been birthed out of the Cauldron itself.

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