The Winter Court II

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It started storming just as they reached the border so they decided to camp in the Winter Court, a few yards away from a thick pine forest. Better to have the tents covered in a thick blanket of snow than drenched in layers upon layers of rain.

Firepits and tents were set up with military efficiency. Despite Lysander hinting that Alden could share his tent, Eris insisted he would bunk with the rest of the soldiers. Only after making sure that the emissary's tent was as far as possible from the common areas, did Eris finally seem to relax slightly. A barely noticeable change, because he was still frowning and barking orders to anyone unlucky enough to find themselves in close proximity to him.

After dropping off an armful of firewood, Alden went to stand next to Eris, a small attempt to shield the poor souls from his wrath. "You seem tense," he ventured by way of greeting.

Eris was standing rigidly, his feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped behind his back. He looked down his nose at Alden. "What gave me away?"

Alden only raised an eyebrow and Eris huffed in response. "I might have miscalculated slightly. I didn't realize what it would feel like to see you surrounded by so many people – and especially having my lecherous brother around – without being able to lay my claim to you."

"Indeed," Alden said in a low voice. "The–" He still couldn't bring himself to say it out loud, as if admitting it might break some illusion. "–bond feels quite different in this body. Foreign almost. For females, it's this incessant tug, a longing deep in the soul. Like an ocean pulling towards the moon. But now it's not just a tug. It's this constant drag. And it's not deep inside but everywhere, all across my skin and in my bones and muscles. There's this burning need to have, to possess. It's so... visceral. I never understood how some males might go mad if the bond is rejected but now..."

He clapped Eris on the shoulder in what was meant to be a reassuring gesture but Eris pulled away as if burnt despite his thick silver armor between them. "My restraint is on a thin leash, perhaps this is a conversation best had another time," he said before disappearing into the General's tent.

Alden was considering going after him when an arm hooked around his elbow. "Don't mind my brother he is quite prone to surly moods. Would you like to join me for dinner?" Lysander gestured towards two servants who had just finished roasting a hog. There was already a line of soldiers waiting in front of a long table laden with stews, pies, breads, and cheeses. Alden looked after Eris a moment longer before nodding towards Lysander.

Despite the winter cold, the air in their camp was pleasantly warm, due to the fires, magic, or all the mead he'd already imbibed, Alden wasn't quite sure. He was sat in a small circle of soldiers, Lysander at his right, a small tower of empty dinner plates to his left. They were listening to a very heated argument over whether the Winter Solstice originated in the Day Court or the Winter Court when an ear-splitting roar shook the forest.

The trees trembled hard enough to throw the snow off their branches. The soldiers were on their feet in an instant, most were still in their armor but those who had already changed to their camp clothes scattered back to the tents.

Iron swords glinted in the firelight. A low growl swiped over the land in a wave. From between the old pine trees, a vaguely humanoid face with a thick lion's mane emerged.

The creature prowled closer, circling them, its feline body both supple and muscular. Red-brown leathery wings extended wide enough to make it look twice its size. It could have likely shaded their entire camp with those massive wings.

Its tail whipped around as it surveyed them, the bundle of quills at the tip shaking nervously. Venomous tips, Alden recalled, that could penetrate any magic. Eris appeared like a shadow at his side, his body angled in front of him protectively.

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