Love And Lament

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In the depths of my fragile heart's despair
Break it down, a hushed plea, in heavy air
Let me ponder in shadows deep
Within my core, love's secrets, I keep

But I yearn for slumber's sweet release
You've stolen my breath, granted no peace
Now I long to inhale, to respire
In your vision, I'm lost, a world entire

I believed my demons were nearly slain
Yet you embraced them, set free their chain
I guarded your secrets, trust unclaimed
Hoping our bond would remain untamed

Leave me alone with my memories, please
Trapped beneath, drowning in unease
Within my core, a rupture's tear
For where she once dwelled, now only despair

You've stolen the essence that makes me whole
I yearn to reclaim it, reclaim my soul
For what you perceive, I cannot see
In your world, I yearn to be set free

But sadly, this story weaves a mournful thread
A melancholy conclusion, it pains me, my head
My demons, they dance, refuse to let go
And you, once trusted, now a distant echo

I thought you'd keep my secrets, the same
But you cast me aside, played a different game
Now I'm left with my sorrows, my silent cries
In the depths of despair, our love slowly dies

The demons you nurtured, they're now in control
As my heart shatters, and darkness takes its toll
In this sad, lonely night, my soul's last plea
To find solace, redemption, and finally be free

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