The Longest Night

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In my life, I never seem to learn
Days blur and the sun never returns
Depression's grip, it never lets go
Ghosts of my past, they haunt me, you know

Alone with my demons, I pay the cost
Stuck in a cycle, forever lost
I wake at night, you leaving in my head
Life loses its meaning, I wish I were dead

I'm the issue, it's me, can't you see
I can't face myself, what I've come to be
Dark shadows cloud my every step
Tears fall like rain, a soul inept

The world's a cage, my heart's a stone
Sorrow's melody, my only tone
In this lonely abyss, I slowly drown
As hope and joy are nowhere to be found

Each day a struggle, a never ending fight
In the depths of despair, I dwell each night
My reflection's a stranger, a shattered dream
In this desolate existence, nothing's as it seems

The laughter of others feels miles away
Lost in the dark, where I forever stay
My smiles are masks, hiding the pain
An empty soul, where nothing will gain

In this life of shadows, I'm adrift
Haunted by memories, an endless rift
No respite from this consuming sorrow
A bleak and desolate, unending morrow

I search for light but find only gray
A haunting stillness in each passing day
Alone in the abyss of my despair
No solace found, no one to care

A heart that once soared, now heavy with lead
A soul that's broken, dreams long dead
In this sad symphony, I play my part
A never ending, desolate work of art

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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