Episode 6| Relationship Update

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In the penthouse.

Bree and Skylar are in the kitchen making breakfast, both are yawning and looking tired.

Mr Davenport enters "good morning girls, wow you look terrible!" Mr
Davenport says "thanks for trying not to offend our feelings!" Bree says.

"What happened?" Mr Davenport says "we didn't sleep very well last night" Skylar says "why?" Mr Davenport says "because Harper and Chase decided to stay up all night talking and watching their nerdy little couple stuff....all night long!" Bree says.

"I'm glad to see they're ok with their relationship, although even though they've been together for a year I still can't believe Chase has actually found a girlfriend!" Mr Davenport says.

Harper and Chase walk downstairs "good morning" Harper says "I wouldn't say that" Bree says

"what's the matter!?" Chase ask "You! It's always You!" Bree says "They told me they stayed up all night because of you" Mr Davenport says.

"Oh sorry. I didn't think we were bothering you" Chase says "but you were!" Bree says "calm down Bree, why didn't you say something?" Harper says "well... we were too frustrated to think about that!" Skylar says.

"Well Sorry! We'll be quiet next time" Harper says "no no there won't be next time!" Bree says "what?" Harper says.

"Why don't you two spend time in the living room?" Mr Davenport says "not very comfortable, too windy.." Chase says "yeah, and Chase is a pain in the ass when it comes to comfort and wind and lighting....""They got it!" Chase interrupts Harper.

"I don't care if it's not comfortable, fix it, cause that's my room too and from now on I declare Chase not allowed through the door!" Bree says.

"What? That's ridiculous!" Harper says "It's two against one, you lost!" Bree says.

"Okay I'm sorry, I just wanted to spend time with my boyfriend, you don't have to sue me for this!" Harper says "You two are dating and already live together,You want more time than that!?" Bree says, Harper and Chase look at each other and both shrug.

Perry walks in "Speak up Skylar. robots!" Perry greets them "I think that's my cue to leave!" Mr Davenport says he leaves.

"Terry how is the new apartment?" Harper says "that's why I'm here,The moving truck arrives today and I thought it would be really helpful if my freaky neighbors and Skylar would help with the move" Perry says.

"Is it just me or this Perry being a Skylar fan thing is starting to get weird" Harper says "It's weird!" Skylar says.

"Perry we have more important things to do than help you move" Bree says "are you sure you seem pretty laid back for busy people" Perry says.

"let me translate what Bree means, We don't want to!" Harper says.

"uhg, if we do this will you leave us alone?" Chase ask "if you do I'll leave you alone for a week! because I will be sunbathing on the balcony of my
expensive new apartment that thanks to you bionic freaks I won't spend a dime on rent!" Perry says.

"Should we tell her that her apartment doesn't have a balcony?" Bree says quietly "no but we'll definitely be doing the neighbors a favor" Harper says "and any living thing that would be unlucky enough to see that" Chase says.


Mr Davenport is in the living room packing up the bags, Chase and Harper Walk in.

"Mr Davenport We have a question" Chase says "sure, what's it?" Mr Davenport say.

"uh, Chase and I were talking about the situation we're left with with Bree and Skylar, and we thought of a way that we both we could go on spending the night together watching movies and stuff without bothering them" Harper says.

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