Episode 2| Holding out for a hero

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In Mission Command.

Bree, Harper and Skylar are at the counter,guys come down in HyperLift.

"Good news, ladies. I'm about to teach my first class of superhero school" Mr Davenport says "I'm out" Bree says "Right behind you" Skylar says They leave

"Oh this is going to be fun, I really need to laugh at something" Harper says smile "Okay guys. I will be your instructor and Chase will be my apprentice" Mr Davenport says.

"What? Why am I the apprentice?" Chase ask "Because you don't know anything about superheroes" Mr Davenport says "Oh, and you do?" Chase says

"Hello, I am Donald Davenport" Mr Davenport says "Just because you wear disturbingly tight unitards, doesn't make you a superhero" Chase says "Have you ever triedfitting in them?" Mr Davenport says "No one should" Harper says.

"oh here, Harper understands superheroes and combat training she will oversee" Mr Davenport says, Harper stands up.

Mr Davenport takes box of bottles from Chase "Yes it does. Okay, Kaz, let's start your training by giving your fire grenades another go. I want you to use your grenade to hit the bottle in the middle and leave the others untouched" Mr Davenport says "Got it" Kaz says.

"You might wanna back up. When it comes to learning, Kaz doesn't" Oliver tells Chase, Grenade comes out of Kaz's mouth and hits middle bottle.

"You did it" Mr Davenport says "Yeah, I mean, if our enemies are 16 ounces bottles of water, I think I'm ready" Kaz says.

"wow!" Harper says "Impressed!?" Kaz says "Don't Push it!" Harper says.

"Great job. Okay, Oliver, you're up. Now, since you have water and iced based abilities, I want you to use your Cryo Blast to freeze the bottle on the left" Mr Davenport says.

"No problemo, teach" Oliver says Tries using blast and ice a cube falls from hand.

"Is that an ice cube?" Mr Davenport says "I don't know what that was" Oliver says "Tiny little ice cubes, that's what it was...wow!" Harper says.

"Let me try again. Okay, yeah, that was an ice cube" Oliver says.

"I don't get it. It worked fine when you froze Roman and Riker's black swarm. Try to focus!" Chase says "I am focusing!" Oliver says "Well, focus harder!" Chase says "How about you go stand over there harder?!" Oliver says.

He Tries again and multiple ice cubes fall onto floor "Oh, come on!" Oliver says "Oh that's sad" Harper says.

"I don't know whether to train him or call the refrigerator repairman" Chase says "Chase!" Harper says "sorry but I know you thought the same thing" Chase says "yeah, I thought more of a cold drink" Harper tells Chase.

"It's okay, Oliver. We'll fix it. Uh, Kaz, why don't we see how your fire grenades handle rapid fire?" Mr Davenport says "I mean, I really haven't tried it before, but I imagine it goes something like this" Kaz says.

Grenades come out rapidly and hits all bottles "Wow! Kaz, you're a natural! And Oliver, you're leaking all over my floor" Mr Davenport says.


In the penthouse.

Chase is fiddling with a laptop on the table, Harper comes downstairs with a box and puts it on the table in front of Chase.

"here it is!" Harper says "what's that Harp!?" Chase ask "My comic books, my collection actually!" Harper says.

"you want me to read it? You're not going to give up on me starting to understand superheroes, are you?" Chase says "nope!" Harper smiles "oh babe you are so nerdy!...i love that!" Chase smiles.

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