Episode 5| Follow the Leader

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In the penthouse room

Everyone is getting ready for the mission

"Hey Bree have you seen Chase? I tried texting him but he's not responding, maybe it's my phone" Harper says holdingup her phone.

"No, maybe he's with the guys" Bree says, Oliver and Skylar walks downstairs "Kaz'll be right down" Oliver says.

"Where's Chase?" Bree ask "No idea" Oliver says "There's a mission alert and he's not here rushing us? Something's wrong!" Harper says.

"Yeah, That's weird. He's always the first one here for missions. and the only reason he would be late is standing here by my side so" Bree points at Harper, who smiles proudly.

"I'll call him real quick" Bree calls him more goes in the voicemail

"Greetings. You've reached Chase, the smartest man in the world. I'm not here, but if you'd like to leave a message for Chase, the smartest man in the world, do it at the beep. And if you didn't know that by now, you are definitely not the smartest man in the world" Chase's voicemail hangs up.

"Well, at least he shortened it" Bree says "It doesn't matter, The first second is already annoying just because he uses the word "Greetings"" Harper says.

"So,What are we gonna do? We can't go on our first mission without our leader" Oliver says "There's no time to wait. We have to get to the Centium City arch. The lglass floor on the observation desk is cracking, and tourists are trapped. We need to get there now" Skylar says.

"She's right" Bree says "I'm sure as soon as possible Chase will catch up with us there" Harper says "Kaz, let's go!" Bree says.

Kaz comes down the stairs with A Rock music playing "Elite Force!" Kaz hums with a high-pitched voice.

"What was that?' Bree ask "It's our first official mission. When we show up, people need to know we're there" Kaz says the Power chord plays "Elite Force!" Kaz hums again.

"I want people to feel safe when we arrive, May they feel that the heroes have arrived, Not that they feel that the rock clown circus has come to their aid!" Harper says.

"I don't care I'm taking this with me anyway, you'll feel it when the time comes right Bree?" Kaz says "Yeah, we're not doing that" Bree says.


A while later Chase and Perry leave the HyperLift.

"Man, the hyperlift took forever to fix. Why'd you shoot it a second time?" Chase ask "Why'd you duck a second time?" Perry says.

Bree, Oliver, Kaz and Skylar enter "What's going on?" Chase ask "We just got back from the mission" Bree says "You went without me?" Chase says "We had to. Where were you?" Bree ask.

Harper comes in drinking a bottle of water "Perry and I were stuck downstairs" Chase says "What is she doing here? Sorry. I didn't mean to say it like that. What is it doing here?" Bree says.

Harper walks over and stares at Perry, Perry stares back as if the two are about to argue, Harper nods her head up "Sup!" Harper says "Sup!" Perry does the same and Harper keeps walking.

"Chase, this must be your mom. The resemblance is uncanny" Kaz says.

"Please. If my kid came out looking like that, I'd have put the robot parts on the outside" Perry says "Well, I'm Oliver, and this is Kaz" Oliver says "Glen and Paul. Got it" Perry says

"I'm Skylar" Skylar says "I know who
you are. Donny told me that the robots would be teaming with the superheroes. I can't believe I'm in the presence of a real heroine" Perry says.

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