Episode 10| Sheep-Shifting

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At Davenport Tower in the penthouse, Kaz and Oliver are sitting at a table.

"Okay, the timer is set. Nothing better than pranking new victims on Halloween" Oliver says "This is perfect. Bree just did her hair and Chase has no sense of humor. What could possibly go wrong?" Kaz says.

"They have no idea what's about to hit them" Oliver says, Harper geoleaps alongside Kaz "Boo!" Harper says, Kaz screams and goes to the chair and Oliver screams, Harper laughs.

"happy halloween Noob!" Harper says "it's not fair!" Kaz gets up "yeah you're already scary!" Oliver says "what?" Harper says "adorably scary!" Oliver says "better" Harper smile.

"It's not fair for you to use your abilites to pull a prank!" Kaz says "why not!?" Harper ask "well...because then I can't fight back" Kaz says.

"Poor thing you think you have a chance of scaring me!?" Harper says "Sure!" Kaz says, Harper laughs, "You'll see!" Kaz says.

"The only person who's going to be scared here is you!" Harper says "Nope I don't fall for your tricks anymore!" Kaz says, Harper
raises her eyebrow as she does the lamp next to Kaz pops, Kaz squeals and jumps in fright.

"Oh you're good!" Kaz tells Harper, she smirks,she goes to the kitchen.

Skylar comes down and Oliver goes over to her "Hey, Skylar. I just wanted to remind you about my standing offer for one romantic dinner, and that offer also applies to romantic lunch, breakfast, smoothie and
other selectic beverages" Oliver says "Sure. How about dinner tonight?" Skylar says.

"I get it. You're busy. I totally understand" Oliver says He walks off, but runs back "Wait, did you just say yes?" Oliver says "Yeah, boy, your time has come!" Harper says, Oliver holds out his hand for a quick high five.

"Oliver, you can't do dinner tonight. We have plans. Annual Halloween pranks. We've been doing them together since we were eight. New victims" Kaz says "Oh, I'm so sorry.
I totally forgot that it was Halloween. We can do dinner tomoorrow" Skylar says.

"No. No, no, no. You already said yes. You can't take it back. We're doing this!" Oliver says He Runs to the
kitchen and gathers plates "She said yes. All right, where do I begin?" Oliver says the timer goes
off and pumpkin explodes on him, Everyone looks at him.

"Hey, I still have a date with Skylar. Not even a nose full of pumpkin can change that" Oliver says.


Douglas is at the grocery store near the building, until he sees Melody in one of the hallways with a cart, he approaches.

"Melody!?" Douglas says "oh hi Douglas!" Melody smiles "how nice
to see you here!" Douglas says "likewise" Melody takes a bottle and puts it in the cart.

"So plans for this halloween!?" Douglas asks "uh well... Finn went to spend halloween with some friends,
so I'm going to enjoy it, just me and this pack full of C12H22O11..."Melody laughs to herself looking at a pack of marshmallows, referring to the chemical compound in sugar.

"Oh Sugar! or sucrose if you will" Douglas smile "Exactly!" Melody smiles "great plans!" Douglas says.

"yeah, that's my usual plans, normally I don't get out much" Melody walks the cart, Douglas nods.

"How are the kids!?" Melody asks "Oh they must be in the building playing pranks on each other" Douglas says.

"I was never a big fan of halloween" Melody says "Me too!" Douglas smiles.

They hear one of the employees say that the grocery store is about to close "It was good to see you Douglas" Melody turns around "you too" Douglas goes the other way.

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