Episode 13| The Glitch

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In the girls' dorm, Finn sneaks in and starts recording the room with his cell phone.

"Hey guys! Check it out, I'm telling you that it's true, this is my bionic sister's dorm! cool huh!" Finn says proud.

Harper hears him from the hall "Get this, this is my sister's capsule, she sleeps in here, it can't be very comfortable but she's bionic so she shouldn't mind too much" Finn films Harper's capsule, Harper silently stops in the doorway and watches him.

"This must be where she recharges her bionics, like a giant cell phone charger... that must be it!" Finn enters the capsule, Harper laughs slightly.

"Oh and here's her colleague's capsule, Bree, and Skylar's bed, that's right Skylar, the girl I told you about guys...I know what you're thinking, if I hit on her?...I didn't even have to cuz she came crawling to..." "Finn!?" Harper interrupts he, Finn screams and drops the phone on the floor.

"I...I wasn't doing anything! I...I got lost!" Finn says "Come on boy, I know this place is big but there's a map down the hall so that doesn't happen" Harper says "uh..." Finn says.

"What are you doing?" Harper picks up his phone off the floor "a vlog for my friends, I told them I had a bionic sister and they laughed at me like it was a joke" Finn says.

"Oh I get it! Why didn't you tell me?" Harper says "why would I?" Finn ask "I don't know, because I'm your sister, I might drop by your school occasionally and you know....Throw a soda can in the face of any kid who laughs at my little brother...with my mind!" Harper says.

"Can you do that?" Finn says "yeah!, No, seriously, when I say I want you to tell me things... I mean It!" Harper says "You want us to get along, I get it!" Finn says.

"I know that is..." "Weird, yeah!" Finn laughs "Do you know what would help with that? You get me bionics!" Finn says "Finn bionics isn't something that comes in a box and Santa puts it under the tree!" Harper says.

Douglas approaches and listens to the conversation "So it's a maybe!?" Finn says "It's a go home cuz your mom is worried!" Harper says "OUR mom!" Finn says, Harper sighs "ye...Just go!" Harper says, Finn leaves.

"See you Douglas" Finn says "See ya boy!" Douglas says, Harper sits on Skylar's bed and sighs.

"Are you ok?" Douglas ask sitting next to her "Yes" Harper says, Douglas tilts his head "it's still weird" Harper says.

"I know! But... they're good people, think about it, even if you lived your entire past with the wrong people... you got rewarded with a lot of good people" Douglas says "is that how you think!?" Harper smiles "I try, cuz it really isn't easy" Douglas says.

"it's still a shock" Harper says "you're doing great so far!" Douglas smile "Thanks Dad!" Harper smiles, Douglas pats her on the back and leaves.

Harper sighs,with the sigh she puts her hand on her head and holds her hair as if she felt something strange, she closes her eyes, and shakes her head, opening her eyes again,she thinks for a second and decides to get up and leave the room.


Later Harper is in the kitchen making juice when Oliver bursts in, "Harper! Harper! Harper!" Oliver says "Oliver! Oliver! Oliver!" Harper fake animation.

"What's up?" Harper ask "Tomorrow Skylar and I are having our third date!" Oliver says holding a laptop "Third!? Well congrats!" Harper smiles.

"thanks but you know what happens in the third date!?" Oliver asks excitedly.

"uh...Well I remember what happened on my third date, and on the fourth, and on every other date and every day of my relationship....it's just that I have an edetic memory!" Harper brags.

Elite Force -The Untold Story (Season 1)/Chase Davenport x OC Where stories live. Discover now