Episode 14| The Attack

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In the living room Oliver types something on his cell phone and sends it, Kaz isn't too far away
receives a message.

"Um, Oliver?, why did you just send me a text that says i make you feel all
tingly inside" Kaz ask "What? No, that wasn't meant for you, it was for Skylar!, it's my big thumbs. I'm cursed" Oliver says.

"You know?, since it's out in the open, i say we discuss this tingly feeling" Kaz says "I say we don't" Skylar says, Bree walks in the living room.

"Uh, guys?, i think i just discovered another superpower i got from the Auctorion, look" Bree shows a light
coming out of her hands.

"Oh, cool! Flashlight hands" Kaz says "Why would i need flashlights in
my hands?" Bree ask "Because, if they weren't in your feet, they wouldn't be as useful" Kaz says.

"Actually, would you shine those bad boys here? I think i lost a peanut" Oliver says looking at the couch.

"Superpowers are suppose to be cool! This is just lame!" Bree says "Bree, your new power may seem lame, and absolutely hysterical ,But trust me, they're must be a purpose. The big part of being a superhero is to getting use to your superpowers and knowing how and when to use them. Don't worry, you'll figure it out" Skylar says.

Harper walks in with her cell phone in her hand "uh..did you see Chase? he doesn't answer my texts and he's been ignoring me all day. I'm starting to get worried" Harper says.

Everyone looks at each other, Bree looks at her irritated "wow! you are unbelievable! you're lucky I didn't use my flashlight hands on you after what you did to my brother!" Bree says.

"wow! Bree! calm down!" Harper says confused "uh.. no wonder he's been ignoring you, after you crushed his heart, spit on it and threw the
remains in a shredder!" Kaz says.

"what? What are you talking about?" Harper says "Don't play dumb, you know!" Bree says "hey! Look how you talk to me, If I'm saying I don't know, I
don't know!!" Harper says firmly.

"Bree wait, she really doesn't seem to know" Skylar says, Bree looks at Harper confused.

"don't know what!?" Harper asks worriedly "Harper, you broke up
with Chase!" Oliver says "What? No I didn't break up with him" Harper says.

"you broke up, I was there, I saw everything" Kaz says "of course not! Why would I do that?" Harper says "I
don't know, but you did!" Skylar says "No I didn't" Harper says.

"you left him devastated! I had to comfort him, he was in pieces" Bree says, Harper makes a scared face "NO I didn't do that! I would never do that! Never!" Harper says scared.

"Well Chase thinks you did" Kaz says "why would I break up with him? It doesn't make sense, i love him more than anything...." Harper says, everyone looks at each other in silence.

"guys! believe me I didn't do it!" Harper breaks down "If it wasn't you then who?" Bree says "I don't know but I would never....would never do
that!" Harper says in a tone of realization "Glitch!" Harper says to herself.

"What?" Bree says "I need to talk to Chase, now!" Harper says "No, he was really bad and...""what did you say to
him!" Harper ask "no big deal the usual speech about needing to move on and stuff, but he kept saying he was going to find a way..." Bree says.

"I need to talk to him and explain what happened, I need to fix this!" Harper says "you really don't remember anything?" Skylar says
"no! I don't remember because it wasn't me it was... it's complicated" Harper says, everyone looks at her confused.

Douglas walks in the room, he looks worried "What wrong Douglas?"
Kaz ask "Something strange is going on outside. The whole city feels eerie. They're are more police sirens than usual" Douglas says.

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